Page 72 - Poze Magazine Volume 70
P. 72

POZE MAGAZINE                                                                                  2024

                                                                                               Carl Green

            DREAMS                                           Carl  enjoys  more  music  and  classifies  his  hobbies
            Carl  has  had  dreams  come  true,  performing  as  the  Trumpet,  Saxophones,  Guitars,  Banjo,  Lap
            shows  with  Roy  Clark,  Willie  Nelson,  Merle  Steel Guitar, Harmonicas and various Woodwinds,
            Haggard, Freddy Fender, Asleep at the Wheel,     Brass  Horns,  Pedal  Steel  Guitar,  Electric  Bass  and
            Sawyer  Brown  and  Sammy  Kershaw.  Been  a     Drums! Of course, riding his Electric bike gives him
            Band  Leader  for  38  years  as  the  Carl  Green  exercise and keeps him happy!
            Band, a Party/Wedding DJ for 25 years and a      REMARKABLE MEMORY
            Solo     Multi-Instrumentalist/     Entertainer
            /Vocalist for 37 years booking all the gigs! He  In  1984  we  started  performing  as  a  duo  at  two
            currently  performs  as  a  One-man  band/       different  nightclubs!  Every  Thursday  at  a  popular
            Entertainer/Vocalist  at  Restaurants,  Wineries,  Country  Western  Bar/  Cardroom  in  Benicia,  CA
            Parties, Retirement places, Country Clubs and    called Sundowner Saloon. After our first month of
            more! 47 years in the music biz and still going!  Thursday  night's  performing  4  hours  a  night,  we
                                                             arrived in my van to set up one hour ahead of our
            RELAXATION                                       starting time. As
            When  not  jamming,  he  spends  time  with  his
            family,  father,  Vaden  Green,  mother,  Ursula  we entered the Sundowner to set up, we saw the
            Green  and  brothers  Marcus  Green  and  Paul   entire  room  with  every  table  and  chairs  full  of
            Green.  Daughter  Cara  Green  graduated  from   young  Japanese  sailors.  As  we  set  up  and  played
            the  University  of  California,  Berkeley,  in  2021  our  4  shows,  we  noticed  that  all  the  tables  were
            and  is  now  pursuing  a  career  in  Fashion   covered with shot glasses, and some of the young
            Design in New York.                              sailors  were  making  passes  at  the  beautiful
                                                             cocktail  waitress,  but  she  would  be  nice  and
                                                             turned them down.
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