Page 32 - Poze Magazine Vol. 35 (Sabrina Nicole)
P. 32

Alex Coleman

                                                                           For those who do not support,
                                                                           recognize that you are looking

                                                                           at the future rap G.O.A.T.

    Alex Coleman was born and raised in Baltimore                 Those electronics? A Gateway laptop and an
    Maryland. His childhood dream was to be the                   Xbox 360 controller and wired headset. At
    greatest soldier that ever lived, including                   the time, Alex thought he would earn the

    winning the Medal of Honor (The highest award                 required $300 and then some. Little did he
    in the United States military for bravery).                   know however, he would not recoup a single
    However, his bipolar disorder, made that dream                penny until he was 6 years into his career.
    impossible as people with mental illnesses are                  Now 7 years in, Alex Coleman has a new
    barred from joining the U.S military. In 2013,                dream: Become the undisputed global

    under stress from losing his work study job and               greatest rapper of all time. How does he plan
    not taking his prescribed medication, Alex began              to do this? In theory, easy. He must learn
    work on his inaugural project so that he could                foreign languages, make music in those
    pay for a Maryland MVA drivers exam retest. The               languages, and have massive success in the
    project, Reign of The Nigga, was recorded with                countries where those languages are spoken.
    the electronics Alex had on hand.
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