Page 34 - Poze Magazine Vol. 35 (Sabrina Nicole)
P. 34

1) What sparked your                  3) You have a natural
     interest in developing                inclination for music theory
     a music career?                       and the ability to play

    I was always musically inclined,       instruments? Do you think
    and I was also a sci-fi and            this has given you a great
    technology enthusiast.  I think        advantage to the evolution                 4) Can you share one of
    that combination along with            of your music?                             your most memorable
    reading the liner notes of my          I believe so because there                 experiences in your
    big sisters and their boyfriends       was a time when I was into                 music journey?
    records planted a seed that            programming a lot and when
    would later culminate in the           I began to fuse it with my live          One of my most memorable
    desire to not only want to be a        instruments the door just                moments /experiences in my
    musician, but to also work             opened up to a whole new                 musical journey was an early
    behind the scenes. The                 world. The freedom for me is             one at a music college gig-

    fascination of how sessions            in the aural, the practical and          where I played bass and sang.
    were put together with a group         the theory combined. My                  After my bands performance
    and how one man bands like                                                      the Aunty of the UK's premier
    Stevie Wonder and Prince               inclination for theory just              young jazz pianist at the time
    created their magic had me             took me beyond just hearing              told me. I was really great and
    hooked. Piano playing singer           things it was getting to                 I had a lovely voice. That was
    songwriters particularly had an        understand it more. I think              a very special moment.
    effect on me as a child.               when you appreciate live
                                           instruments your music cant           5) Has there been any
   2) What inspires you                    help but evolve. Because for          challenges you've faced thus

   to create your music?                   one you begin to draw from            far in your career? Were you
                                           past masters and talented             able to overcome them?
     Many things....the Creator,           peers. Many musicians don't
     Love, life's experiences, other       bother with theory because            The most important thing when
     people's experiences,                 they use their ears but there         faced with obstacles is to be

     observational situations,             are times you when need to            honest with yourself. Do I want to
     feeling happy, music old and          write out a chord chart.              compromise my integrity for short
     new, objectivity, subjectivity, a                                           term or instant gains?! Challenges
     new piece of equipment or                                                   came in the form of label collapse,
     software and falling love in                                                monetary constraints. I have had
     with an instrument all over                                                 some low and dark ebbs in the
     again. Inspiration is a funny                                               past but in the end my faith in the

     thing you just never know                                                   Creator carried me through. I
     where or when it will strike.                                               believe the music chooses people.
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