Page 33 - Poze Magazine Vol. 35 (Sabrina Nicole)
P. 33
It will not be easy-especially when no Right now, Alex Coleman has no
one in his hometown, let alone his fans that support his career.
home nation, supports him. Being the Right now, all Alex Coleman has
most famous rapper in the world does support-wise is God, Jesus, and
not matter. Being the richest rapper in himself. And that is ok. Why?
the world does not matter either. So, Because with the bitter pill of
what does matter? Being the greatest losing his childhood dream
rapper in the history of the already swallowed, nothing is
world. Right now, Alex Coleman is a going to stop Alex from
one-man record label, doing achieving his new dream. Alex
everything except marketing and Coleman. The future G.O.A.T of
distribution himself. the rap game.