Page 67 - Poze Magazine Volume 74
P. 67

While your music explores quite a few
            themes, you also inject elements of hope.
            What motivates you to find these glimmers of               NEW MUSIC
            light within your dark soundscapes?

            I think some of this comes from trying to take         As pioneers in the post-punk
            people on a journey through the lyrics and             resurgence, how do you feel about
            songwriting. I like to start from a dark place and     Spectres; role and legacy within the
            try to end up at something better or more              genre? What message do you hope to
            optimistic. I think this kind of journey is pretty     leave behind with your music?
            indicative of a lot of experiences in life and is a
            meaningful one.                                        As the only existing original member, I've
                                                                   always strived to simply write the type of
            How do you translate the intensity of your             music I would like to hear. It's great if other
            music to the stage and create an impactful             people appreciate it, but I ultimately don’t
            experience for your audiences?                         care about a legacy. I have said this many
                                                                   times before, and I’ll say it again: if
            I play a character on stage and try to come off        someone finds one of our records 20 years
            as angrier or more intense than I am in my             from now and it has an impact on them, I
            day-to-day life, and I hope that comes through         think Spectres will have fulfilled its purpose.
            in our performances. I think sometimes,
            depending on my alcohol intake pre-show, this
            can have various positive or negative effects
            on the performance overall.
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