Page 71 - Poze Magazine Volume 74
P. 71
They were nice enough to pass it along, and two days Then it’s going to my favorite coffee shop in Venice
later, they told me, ‘Hey, Mau5trap wants to sign this [Los Angeles], sitting outside with my journal for about
song.’ That became my first original release, an hour just getting into a good headspace. Then, it’s
‘Renegade,’ and it kind of kick-started everything.” going straight to the studio and without checking my
When an individual decides to become an artist or phone or emails, diving into making music, and staying
musician in any walk of life, an item demanding in that bubble of concentration for as many hours as
consideration is what to call oneself. possible.”
I queried Rinzen on the origin of his moniker, and he Before we parted ways, I requested he share some
related this story. “I was in Barcelona in 2014 and I was words of wisdom for others in pursuit of dreams and
searching for an artist name. I went to a contemporary goals. After an instant of reflection, he replied,
art museum in the city, and in this museum there’s “Whatever your skill or field is, you need to become a
this sculpture with the name Rinzen. It had the letters student of that field and diligently practice and work
written on the wall behind the sculpture. I looked it to get better. The longer you stay in that kind of pursuit
up on my phone and it came up as ‘a moment of of mastery, and focus on developing your skills, the
sudden awakening’ in Japanese. I immediately better chances you have in the long run of turning that
thought to myself, wow, that’s such a cool word and a into something.” Rinzen’s Bend to the Light was
cool meaning. I really like that, maybe I’ll even use released on April 5. A phenomenal collection
that as my artist moniker. representing more than two years of dedication, it
I’m half-Japanese, so the origin of the word reflects Rinzen’s endless passion for compelling
immediately spoke to me.” One of the things I much storytelling. Rinzen has concert dates announced for
appreciated was Rinzen’s willingness to enlighten Toronto April 19, Chicago April 20, Los Angeles May 4,
about practices integral to the soundscapes he Montreal May 17, and New York May 24. Additional
designs. He took me through a typical day in his life, show dates are sure to follow and will be announced
describing a routine of focusing his energies by soon. For more information and press about Rinzen, his
removing distractions. “In best cases, my day revolves music, merchandise, events, updates, and to purchase
primarily around making music. It’s about setting tickets, check out his website at and
myself up to have the best headspace and energy follow him on Instagram @rinzen.
possible for the hours that I am making music.
Typically, it’s waking up, eating a good breakfast,
getting whatever emails I need to do out of the
way, so I don’t have to think about them.