Page 74 - Poze Magazine Volume 74
P. 74


                                                                  ERIN DUVALL

                                                                           Poze Magazine

                                                                  You  recently  released  your  full-length  album  "One  by
                                                                  One". Leading up to the announcement, what have been
                                                                  your  thoughts  and  emotions  on  releasing  this  side  of
                                                                  your work?

                                                                   Pure excitement! I have lived and breathed this body of
                                                                  work for so long and have grown so much because of this
                                                                  album, so I was elated to get it out into the world.

                                                                  "One  by  One"  seems  to  explore  themes  of  personal
                                                                  transformation and overcoming challenges. Can you tell
                                                                  us  more  about  the  experiences  that  inspired  these

                                                                  Life comes with its ups and downs, and the strength you
                                                                  must  find  to  rise  from  the  ashes  when  it  all  goes  up  in
                                                                  smoke.  It's  what  either  breaks  you  or  defines  you.  The
                                                                  past several years for me have come with some of life's
                                                                  biggest  blessings  and  yet  some  of  my  biggest
                                                                  heartbreaks. When I got married, I never envisioned that I
                                                                  would be standing where I am today. As a single mother
                                                                  of  four  incredible  children,  I  am  fervently  chasing  the
                                                                  dreams  that  ring  so  loudly  in  my  heart  and  have  the
                  How did the process of writing and recording this album differ  burning desire to leave a legacy behind for my children.
                  from your previous work?                        Without  the  hardships  I  endured,  I  truly  believe  I
                                                                  wouldn’t be the person I am today, and I definitely would
                  As a songwriter, I find it very rewarding to write through my  not have written this album.
                  emotions. To be able to put my thoughts on a page and  .
                  delicately weave a melody into them not only allows freedom
                  but also, in some ways, provides closure. That is what this
                  album provided me. A canvas to paint my pain, but also show
                  my growth, release my emotions from my experience, and
                  peacefully walk into the next chapter of my life.
                  The title song "One by One" emphasizes the power of facing
                  challenges one at a time. Did you experience a specific
                  moment or realization that led to this theme?

                  Someone once told me that God shut off all of my breakers as
                  a coping mechanism to keep me from truly feeling. That the
                  weight of my pain was too much to carry and that just by
                  shutting off my breakers, I could continue to move throughout
                  my day without completely falling apart. Until I couldn’t
                  anymore, and the whole breaker system completely shut
                  down. That analogy stuck with me, and as I began to heal, I
                  noticed that through healthy relationships with my children,
                  my family, my friends, and most importantly, myself, my
                  breakers began to turn on one by one. It only felt natural to
                  base the entire album on this theme.

                  Several singles like "Walking Country Song" and "Too Little,
                  Too Late" hint at heartbreak and perseverance. Did you
                  intentionally create a narrative arc through the album's

                  Initially, in the moment of writing this album, I just let the
                  songs naturally pour out of me. However, when we looked back
                  at the compilation of songs, the narrative arc was so clearly
                  defined by what was written. Sometimes you set out with a
                  clear idea, and sometimes the idea is there long before you
                  even know it and flows out onto the page.
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