Page 69 - Poze Magazine Volume 74
P. 69


             Through selections and sequencing of songs, DJs      If anything, I have a vast appreciation for the
             tell stories. Their platforms enable them to         worldbuilding that fiction authors do,
             present thoughts and ideas within music and          specifically science fiction or fantasy authors.
             production. When the veteran DJ Rinzen               The scale of the worlds and universes they are
             continued to evolve into producing and               building is hugely inspiring to me.”
             composing, he developed a unique sonic style. In     I asked Rinzen if he considers himself a
             anticipation of his forthcoming ten-track LP,        storyteller. He agreed. “Both as a DJ and a
             Bend to the Light, I was blessed to speak with LA-   producer, yeah, a hundred percent. Like I said,
             based producer Rinzen about a variety of topics      I’m such a lover of literature that I always want
             surrounding storytelling and his first full-length   to convey some type of story with all my work. I
             album. Released on April 5, 2024, it’s a seminal     think, at least for me, the art and especially the
             work of tuneful craftsmanship. During our            music that I most enjoy also has these other
             conversation, we covered areas including his         elements or some added context that enriches
             career before music, his progression as an artist,   the meaning of it.”
             and methods aiding his creation of unique sound      It makes sense. When I first received the
             chronicles.                                          concept for Bend to the Light, the description
             Every artist has a backstory—settings through        caused me to reflect on the works of William
             which the creative parts of their soul develop       Gibson, a favorite author we both share, most
             and find bearing. Before becoming a professional     notably his cyberpunk masterpiece,
             DJ and producer, Rinzen studied English              Neuromancer. I asked if this kind of comparison
             literature at the University of California,          is deliberate, and Rinzen shared these notes.
             Berkeley. Originally, his plan was to be a writer,   “The visual side usually comes to me after the
             which he accomplished as a music journalist. I       music is written.
             inquired if he felt this training abetted his career   I spend a vast amount of time writing music
             as a musician.                                       and try to work as deeply as possible, and not
             “I got to read all these great classics of world     with an intentional world setting in mind. I’m
             literature. If anything, that imbued in me both      just trying to get the best possible song written.
             appreciation for great works of art—and the          Afterwards, I start to envision what’s the kind of
             patience and mastery needed to accomplish            world all these songs are naturally inhabiting.
             those—as well as an intuition for storytelling, and  This album was definitely inspired by science
             how to apply that to music. That eventually led      fiction, particularly cyberpunk settings.” The
             to me doing music journalism and writing about       difference between creating a single, an EP, and
             artists. I don’t necessarily think it helps my       an LP feels staggering. Examining the creative
             songwriting abilities, but it has helped me just     procedures that support a conception of this
             thinking about how to represent and articulate       magnitude, I encouraged Rinzen to detail the
             projects.                                            process that ultimately led to the formation of
                                                                  Bend to the Light.
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