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WILD HORSES AND THE WILD WEST                       Pony Express Tour of Nevada
                Featuring Ely and Elko Nevada  6 Days / 5 Nights   Featuring Zion National Park

                                                                  Combines the best of Touring and Gaming!
                Saddle Up and join us for a great western adventure in  10 Days  9 Nights   Spring thru Fall
                the  heart  of  Nevada’s  scenic  wonderland!    Your  tour
      B         will take you on a myriad of western activities such as                      Come with us and lets us

                wild  horse  viewing,  cowboy  cookouts,  dutch  oven
                                                                                             show  you the roads less
                meals,  scenic  wonderlands,  steam  trains  and  the                        traveled.  Visit the parks,
      E         Tour Includes:                                                               the  desert.    Follow  the
                Basque culture!
                                                                                             the  mining  camps  and
                                                                                             route  of  the  Pony  Ex-
                  Five nights accommodations: (1 Las Vegas, 2 Ely, 2
                    Elko)                                                                    press  of  the  1860’s
      S           Five Dinners, Five Breakfast, 1 Lunch (with highlighted                   which  is  now  Highway
                                                                                             50,  the  road  climbs  over
                    Basque Dinner, Campfire Dinner and “Diner in Jail)
                  Sightseeing:  Alamo, Nevada: Cathedral Gorge
                    State Park, Pioche, Million Dollar Court House,                          panoramic  passes  and
                                                                                             descends  into  serene
      T             Ward Charcoal Ovens, Ely’s Renaissance Village,                          deserts.  Vistas  of  wild
                    Ghost Train Ride, Mc Gill Drug Store, Wild Horse
                                                                                             mountains  and  craggy
                    Eco Sanctuary, Lamoille Canyon of the Ruby
                    Mountains, Little Church of the Crossroads and the                       buttes spread in all direc-
                  Gifts: Cowboy Hats and scarves                                            Road  in  America”,  is  a
                    California Trail Interpretive Center
                                                                                             scenic  route,  winding
                                                                                             past a gallery of canvas-
                  Can be customized to start in Las Vegas or Reno   es, displaying some of nature’s finest work.  The ruins

     O                                                            of  the  Old  Pony  Express  Stations  await  your  arrival.
                                                                  Join  us  on  an  incredible  journey  of  Pioneers,  Players
                 The Best of Nevada's Casinos
                 The Ultimate Gambling and Sightseeing Tour       and the Pony Express.  Enjoy the mountains, canyons
                                                                  and  plains,  gilt's  and  glitter  of  Vegas  and  the  ghost
      F          8 Days 7 Nights      Nevada                      towns that await you.  Walk with the ghost of gamblers

                                                                  and  miners.    Catch  the  scent  of  instant  riches  across
                 The  gears  of  Nevada  swing  wildly  from  overdrive  to
                                                                  miles  of  desolation.  Go  underground  and  experience
                 reverse.  From a fervent neon city, which is among the   the caves.  Grab your reins and feel the same exhilarat-
                 world's most famous to once upon a time towns that
                                                                  ing wind in  your face that the galloping Pony Express
                 are  among  its  forgotten.  Venture  beyond  the  bright
                 lights and brilliance of the Las Vegas to the other side   Riders felt.

                 of  Nevada.  Your  journey  takes  you  down  the  roads
     N           less  traveled  to  see  Nevada  from  the  other  side.
                 Experience  railroad  museums  “ghost  trains”  you  can
                 still ride, to restored opera houses featuring first class
      E          the  Casinos  of  yesterday  which  feature  modern
                 performances.    Experience  the  Basque  culture  and
                 gaming,  while  hosting  us  with  the  hospitality  of
      V          Tour Includes:
                   7 Nights Lodging – 3 Las Vegas, 1 each Laughlin,
                    Mesquite, Elko, Ely  (All casino hotels)
      A            4 Breakfast  4 Dinners
                   Sightseeing in the Nevada Territories, Valley of
                    Fire, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, Oatman Arizona,
                    Northern Nevada Railroad Museum
      D            Great Basin / Lehman Caves                    Tour        Cathedral Gorge State Park      In-
                   Ward Charcoal Ovens and Eureka’s Opera House
      A                                                             9 nights accommodations: (2 Las Vegas and Ely, 3
                                                                      Reno 1 Elko and Utah (note that all hotels except in Utah
                                                                      are Casino Hotels)
                                                                    Meals:  6 breakfast and 5 dinners
                                                                    Ride the Ghost Train
                                                                    See the Ward Charcoal Ovens State Historic Site,
                                                                      White Pines County Museum, Eureka Court and
                                                                      Opera Houses
                                                                    Visit: Zion National Park, Great Basin National
                                                                      Park, the Lehman Caves, Cathedral Gorge, Sand
                                                                      Mountain, Valley of Fire State Park and more

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