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Cobblestone Shores and Homes Wilson NY          CRANBERRY FESTIVAL
                                         Come and experience The
                                                                  (Great Fall Foliage Tour)
       D                                 Cobblestone Shore in Wilson                        The cranberry is one of only
                                         NY Take the road less trav-
       A                                 eled where the welcome sign                      three fruits that can trace
                                         is always on! Cobblestone
                                                                                          their roots to North American
       Y                                 Masonry  started around                          soil.  Greet Fall with the cele-
                                         1825 to the Civil War era.
                                                                                          bration of the annual Cran-
                                         With an endless supply of                        berry Festival.  Ontario’s larg-
                                         glacial field stone along Lake
                                                                                          est fall festival – celebrate the
       T                                 Ontario masons developed                         fruit that sustained Natives
                                         this new talent and built
                                                                                          for hundreds of years.  Your
       O        homes made of the water washed stones.  Today a few of                    guide will take you to John-
                these homes remain.  See the remain-
                                                                                          son’s Cranberry Marsh,
       U        ing homes with lunch at the historic                                      where everything is” Cran-
                Wilson House the most famous of the
                                                                                          berries” and you can see the
       R        cobblestone homes.                                                        cultivation of the fruit. Your
                Your day will include driving tours of the
                                                                                          taste buds will come alive
                homes (inside views are not available
       S        accept for the Wilson House)… The                 with the tasty treats are offered at the Festival. The festi-
                                                                  val features baking, jams, jellies, woodworking, native
                Lake Ontario Shores, wine sampling,
                                                                  crafts, stitchery and more.  Add a dinner at a Muskoka
                tour of Historic Wilson Museum Village            Inn enroute home.
                and visit  the grave site of Billy Sher-
       F        man … a horse from Wilson who fought              Apple Umpkin Festival
                for the Confederates and the Union.
       R        Come and see the  Homes for the Cobblestones!       This annual Fall Festival features musi-

       O        A Patch of Rochester
                                                                  cal entertainment, street entertainers,
                Today it’s the other side of the
                                                                  over 300 craft exhibitors, an antique
       M        Erie Canal with a luncheon cruise                 show and sales plus baking contest/
                aboard the "Sam Patch" tour boat.
                                                                  auction.  All this takes place in the Gas
                Enjoy picturesque scenery and                     Light historic Village of Wyoming. While
                villages as the captain tells you
                                                                  at the festival stop at Gaslight Christmas
      W         about the history of Rochester                    Shop, Dourie’s Shopwise or the Gaslight
                and the Erie Canal. After disem-
                                                                  Village Café. Join us for this fun-filled
       E        barking in downtown Rochester,                    day at a Fall Festival.
                reboard your coach and go to

                Canandaigua in the heart of the
       S        Finger Lakes Region and one of   Charlotte  Lighthouse   Fifteen Miles on the Erie Canal
                                                                  Great for Fall Foliage
                the most scenic communities
       T        found along the "Finger Lakes" themselves. Visit Sonnenberg  Tour
                Gardens, a historical legacy of the wealth and elegance once
       E        located here. This 50-acre garden estate features nine formal  ...or so the song says.
                                                                  Bring your camera and
                gardens plus an arboretum and stone mansion built in 1887.
       R        After the tour we reboard the coach for our return home.   capture nature at its best
                                                                  from your 2 hour “15 mile”
       N        Eve broadcasts from New York, making his rendition of "Auld   journey up and down the
                                                                  historical Erie Canal
                Lang Syne" part of our national memory chest and his lasting
                legacy. Lunch is included at the Great West Steakhouse, and   through Locks 34 & 35.
                                                                  This is an excellent tour
                a tour of the London area.  Duty Free shopping on the return
       N        trip.                                             for fall foliage viewing with
                                                                  your surroundings being a

                                                                  blaze with color!  Your

       E                                                          tour includes Canalside
                                                                  Luncheon Buffet, a stop at
      W         Zippo Case Visitor's Center Bradford PA           the Medina Stone Farm        Lockport Locks

                                                                  and Miller Bulk Foods
                Today we off to Bradford PA, where we’ll visit the Zippo Case   Music and Beer in London!
                Visitors Center.  From WW II to the Three Stooges, Zippo has
                been part of the American life for 65 years.  See it all at the
       Y        Zippo Case Museum, featuring 15, 000 square feet of classic   … Lombardo, Labatt’s and London
                Zippos lighters, memorabilia and exhibits, plus one of a kind
       O        collection of legendary Case Knives.  We’ll visit Singers     Its Labatt’s Blue time!  Yes that’s right… direct to the brewery
                Country Store where you can still buy candy for a penny!  A
                                                                  we shall go and samples the different brews and ales.  After
       R        great buffet lunch is included at Pasta Luigi’s Restaurant in   we steady ourselves we head out for the Guy Lombardo Mu-
                Olean.  On route home you can choose from Vidler’s 5 and
                                                                  seum. "The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven" was the
       K        10 or Cuba Cheese Shop.                           logo of Guy Lombardo & His Royal Canadians, who by 1930

                                                                  had established themselves as America's top dance band.
                                                                  He became a national institution hosting televised New Year's

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