Page 82 - 2024 Summit of the Americas_Neat
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Haleybrooke showcases top players in fast-growing wine & spirits categories
Haleybrooke International is “The Liquor Handbook states that
showcasing brands from some of the best- Broken Shed is the fastest growing vodka
selling categories in the wines and spirits in the USA for the third year in a row
sector at its booth at the Summit of the and l will be telling that story to our
Americas. Travel Retail customers explaining why
Haleybrooke International President consumers love Broken Shed Vodka which
Patrick Nilson tells TMI that he is looking receives its smooth taste due to whey,
forward to a successful show, and will the dairy byproduct, being used in the
have representatives from his brand distillation process,” says Nilson.
owners onhand to discuss their brands with
attendees. Fine French Wine
Haleybrooke has represented Labouré-
Tequila Roi Burgundy wines for airport and border
Tequila is still on fire in the United $65.00 a bottle,” says Nilson. stores in North America but it is also
States. According to the IWSR, global now the Travel Retail agency for three
tequila volumes are set to rise at a World Whiskey additional Boisset wineries in Burgundy
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of Haleybrooke will be featuring the France. The company added J. Moreau &
+7% between 2022 and 2027, and the U.S. award-winning Penderyn Single Malt Fils, the famed Chablis producer founded
is poised to grow at a CAGR of +9% over whiskies from Wales on-stand, tapping into in 1814; Antonin Rodet founded in 1875
the same period. the growing category of world whiskey. with 50 references from Grande Bourgogne
Nilson believes that Haleybrooke “Penderyn had a very successful year selling over one million bottles a year; and
has the ideal tequila in its portfolio to take in Travel Retail in 2023 being up 80% Nicolas Potel founded in 1997 with a wide
advantage of the popularity of the agave versus 2022. Their GTR business is five selection of red and white Burgundy wines.
category times bigger than before the pandemic. At “We will have wines from all four
“While it seems that a new tequila the Summit in 2023 we featured Penderyn wineries available for tastings at the
brand is being launched each day, Centinela Madeira Finish Single Malt and Penderyn Summit of the Americas,” says Nilson.
is in the enviable position of having its Faraday which is a Travel Retail exclusive.
own agave fields and distillery and the DFS was interested in the brand but also Bottega
largest inventory of aged tequila in the wanted the Penderyn Legend and the Haleybrooke represents Bottega
world with 69,000 oak barrels aging n their Penderyn Portwood Finish which they liqueurs, spirits, still and sparking wines for
warehouse in Mexico. Centinela actually listed at LAX, SFO and JFK so we now Travel Retail in the USA including Bottega
supplies tequila for some of the top tequila carry all four SKUs in-bond in Miami.” Gold Prosecco which is the #1 sparkling
brands including some of the newcomers wine in Travel Retail according to the
so I am confident that we will have supply Vodka IWSR . Bottega’s booth is located at Foyer
of Centinela Tequila for our customers Haleybrooke is looking to capitalize 5 which is next door to the Haleybrooke
going forward. We now have six Centinela on the extraordinary success Broken Shed booth (Foyer 6) at the Summit of the
Tequila SKUs available in-bond in Miami Vodka has had in the USA domestic market Americas.
with suggested retails from $29.00 to with its customers in travel retail.
U.S. Spirits Exports Hit Record High in 2023 Driven by American Whiskeys
Total U.S. spirits and American and aluminum dispute for 15 months, The top five markets for U.S. spirits
Whiskeys set new records following the until March 31, 2025. If no agreement is in 2023 were: 1) European Union ($883
lifting of retaliatory tariffs on American reached, the EU will reimpose its tariff on million); 2) Canada ($262 million); 3)
Whiskeys, according to the Distilled Spirits American Whiskeys at 50%, up from the Mexico ($139 million); 4) Australia ($138
Council of the United States (DISCUS). previously imposed 25%. million); and 5) United Kingdom ($129
The DISCUS American Spirits Export The analysis also showed that over million).
Report found U.S. spirits exports totaled the past two decades, global U.S. spirits American Whiskeys accounted for
$2.2 billion in 2023, up 8% compared exports, driven by American Whiskeys, 63% of all spirits exports in value terms
to last year. American Whiskeys, which have increased 280%, from $587 million to and 34% in volume terms. The top five
account for 63% of all U.S. spirits exports, more than $2.2 billion (2002-2023). markets for American Whiskeys in 2023
increased by 9% over 2022 to reach a Approximately 40% of U.S. spirits were: 1) European Union ($705 million);
record $1.4 billion. were exported to the EU totaling $883 2) Australia ($121 million); 3) Japan ($106
In December 2023, the EU announced million, making it the U.S.’ largest export million); 4) United Kingdom ($86 million);
that it would continue the suspension of market. Total U.S. spirits exports to the EU and 5) Canada ($76 million).
tariffs on American Whiskeys in the steel grew by 24% compared to 2022.
Summit of the Americas April 2024 82
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IAADFS 2024 Interior Final.indd 82 4/1/2024 10:33:10 AM