Page 78 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 78


          Perfetti Van Melle targets all segments in Americas Travel Retail

              Perfetti Van Melle (PVM) has
          ambitions to expand its Americas travel
          retail business beyond airports to cruise
          and border stores, led by Chupa Chups and
               “2025 will be the year in which we
          will consolidate [our] success in U.S.
          airports, by continued focus on assortment
          optimization with all retailers. We see
          huge potential to grow shelf space in the
          ‘grab and go’ cash till area with each of
          our retail partners – this will be a big focus
          for us as we invest in branding tools for
          improved visibility,” said Eric Vermetten,   of its two key brands in the region.  Spearmint, Bubblefresh, Lemonade and
          Key Account Manager, Americas & Africa,   “2024 was a good year for us in   Strawberry, all sugar-free. The new gift
          PVM.                              the Americas with strong performances   pack is produced in line with PVM’s focus
              Vermetten says PVM plans to   of our two main brands – Chupa Chups   on more sustainable packaging initiatives
          utilize the Summit of Americas showcase   and Mentos - which have all grown their   and will save the company over 7,200 kilos
          to expand its scope beyond airports;   market footprint,” said Vermetten.  of plastic per year.
          especially the cruise business and border   “From international and domestic
          stores, where it plans to grow still further   airports to border stores, our partners   Strong regional activations
          across its brand portfolio.       have done a great job in seizing market   In the second half of the year PVM
              “Regionally we see opportunities in   opportunities in North America and Latin   will focus on LATAM tourism hotspots,
          all parts of the Americas, but especially in   America regions, to grow our travel retail   such as Punta Cana and Cancun.
          Central America and Brazil; there are still   businesses there.”        PVM’s activations in the Americas
          some white spots to fill.”            PVM is working closely with its   kick off in July for a partnership with
              PVM is hoping to build on the success   distributors and direct partners to introduce   London Supply in Iguazu, and a new
                                            its latest convenience, multi-pack and   Chupa Chups retail design featuring a large
                                            gifting products and is relying on more   football table and localized signage.
                                            customer data to focus on assortment   In August, activations across eight
                                            optimization, says Vermetten.      locations will launch in Panama and Punta
                                                At the Summit of the Americas (Otis   Cana for both Mentos and Chupa Chups,
                                            Mcallister Booth 100), PVM is bringing   in partnership with UETA, part of DFA.
                                            its latest portfolio additions Chupa Chups   The focus is on kids gifting with Chupa
                                            Sour Pouch Bag and the Mentos Jumbo   Chups Cool Friends Backpacks and
                                            Roll Feeling Berry Good to its Americas   Mentos Jumbo Rolls, using the dual-brand
                                            travel retail customers.           campaigns: ‘Yes to Fresh’ and ‘Forever
                                                Since PVM launched the Chupa   Fun.’
                                            Chups Sour Pouch Bag with flavors     For November and December, PVM
                                            Sour Strawberry, Sour Lemon and Sour   is partnering with Avolta for dual-brand
                                            Apple during the TFWA World Exhibition   activations in Ezeiza Airport in Buenos
                                            conference in Cannes in September 2024,   Aires, Argentina and Cancun, Mexico.
                                            the industry reaction to the sours flavor   For the Cancun activation, there is a ‘360°
                                            trend has been “ever-growing” according to   promotion’ with both a shop floor HPP
                                            Vermetten.                         at Terminal 4 and an online activation
                                                The company will also be introducing   through Avolta’s Club platform, connecting
                                            the new Feeling Berry Good Mentos flavor   the Mentos and Chupa Chups gift with
                                            combination, featuring four packs of the   purchase offers with its members via
                                            top selling Mentos flavors - raspberry,   website, newsletter, and social media
                                            strawberry, cherry.                channels.
                                                In May, PVM will launch a new     Also new in the Americas for 2025
                                            Mentos Gum gift pack including its   are more regionally focused signage and
                                            five most popular flavors: Fresh Mint,   wallbays in the U.S., Paraguay and Peru.

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