Page 76 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 76


          William Grant & Sons targets the experience with digital touchpoints and
          engaging shop-in-shops

              William Grant & Sons has embraced
          digital and experiential activations as it
          attempts to reach the shopper throughout
          all aspects of the traveler journey.
              Gwilym Cooke, Head of Brand
          Marketing – Global Travel Retail for WGS
          tells TMI that it is key to engage with the
          potential consumer before they have even
          left for their trip.
              “We have created some campaigns
          where we’re focusing on pre-trip, trying to
          engage with people earlier in the process,
          when they’re starting to think about travel,
          or when they’re looking to book their    Glenfiddich has collaborated with renowned contemporary ink artist Zhang Yu
          flights,” he tells TMI.               on an exclusive collection of limited-edition Lunar New Year gifts.
              However, Cooke says that the main
          focus is still within the airport with shop-  “The big airports in the U.S. remain a   then meeting what they are looking for.
          in-shops one of the best ways to tell the   priority for us. Hopefully, sooner or later,   We understand that most people aren’t
          brand story in the right way.     the shop-in-shops will make their way   traveling every week, and so therefore the
              “The quality of the shopper experience   to key airports in the U.S. We also see   opportunity to get people’s attention and
          is really important. Our shop-in-shops   opportunities for Hendricks, especially in   get them to buy something is single, so it’s
          are a way for us to really elevate the   Latin America.”             really important to be relevant.”
          shopping experience. Gifting stations with   WGS is continuously looking at the   WGS is focusing on offering unique
          personalized gifting are at the heart of these   best ways to connect the next generation to   products, travel retail exclusives and
          shops. And there are a lot of digital touch   its brands, says Cooke.  experiences in travel retail and paying
          points, as well as QR codes. We have our   “It is such a dynamic, diverse   attention to cultural moments and
          brand ambassadors there sampling. The   and increasingly younger, increasingly   celebrations.
          entire aesthetic is a much more luxury   more affluent consumer base, which is   “We know Lunar New Year and
          asset.”                           inherently digitally savvy. They have a high   Diwali are big cultural moments and there
              WGS opened luxury retail spaces at   expectation of a brand delivering against   are many things we can do to develop our
          Seoul Incheon and Tapei, and Cooke says he   their consumer needs,” he says.  strategies and offer the right products and
          sees opportunities for these type of spaces in   “For us it is about recognizing   gift solutions.”
          the Americas, especially in LAX or JFK.  those dynamics and those trends and

                                                                               The William Grant & Sons stand at the 2024
                                                                               TFWA World Exhibition in Cannes was inspired
                                                                               by its recently introduced shop-in-shop concept.

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