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                        The “Poolest Day Ever” cocktail onboard Celebrity Cruises featuring Tito’s in a Can.

          Tito’s takes travel retail and cruise in-house as it strives to match

          domestic success in global markets

              Tito’s Handmade Vodka’s global   to bring the business in-house. We were   their choice.
          expansion has progressed to the stage   seeing that Tito’s needed specific focus and   “Tito’s in a Can is already a success
          where the beloved spirit in the U.S. has   had grown enough that it needed to have   in the domestic market. We started in
          brought its travel retail and cruise business   a full-time team dedicated to the brand,”   December on Celebrity. The can will
          in-house to help match its domestic success   explained Zinn.        be a souvenir drinkware for the guests.
          in international markets.             Cruise is an ever-growing part of the   Celebrity developed a drink called The
              To do so, the company has also   business for Tito’s, with an important share   Poolest Day Ever for Tito’s, that is
          strengthened its travel retail team in the   of the company’s travel retail sales.  promoted at sea days at the pool.
          region.                               “We will be working as closely as   “Celebrity is the first cruise line we
              In the beginning of 2024, following   possible with our domestic team, which has   brought it to, but this is the type of thing
          the successful growth of its cruise business   made Tito’s so popular in the U.S. We will   we can definitely bring to more cruise lines
          through WEBB Banks (now Southern   be using their best practices to integrate   because of the popularity that we’re seeing
          Glazer’s Travel Retail Sales & Export   into the cruise channel. I see cruises as an   in the domestic market.”
          Division) Tito’s brought the management   extension of the America domestic market   Zinn says she is trying to reinforce
          of cruise in-house.               success,” says Zinn.               these relationships with Tito’s domestic
              Later that year, Tito’s hired seasoned   “There continues to be a massive   team so that these types of activations
          travel retail and cruise expert Curran Zinn   expansion of cruise that exceeds whatever   become the norm in cruise and travel retail
          as Commercial Manager, Travel Retail, to   we thought was going to happen. It is an   for the company.
          lead the growth of this important segment   incredibly exciting time, because Tito’s   Since joining the company last April,
          for Tito’s.                       is well loved. As long as I continue to put   Zinn says she has already seen progress
              The next step came at the beginning of   a lot of focus and attention in the right   in turning Tito’s into more of a globally
          2025, when Tito’s brought its travel retail   places, Tito’s will continue to expand in   relevant brand.
          business fully in-house. Southern Glazer’s,   cruise.”                  “I’m really excited because I’m
          who had been handling the brand under the   Standing out and being authentic has   taking full ownership over the brand, and
          WEBB Banks division, will continue to   always been a key part of Tito’s DNA,   while I was always incredibly thoughtful
          manage select Caribbean domestic markets   and it is critical that Tito’s takes these   taking care of the brands I represented in
          and various other markets in Central and   characteristics to cruise, says Zinn.  the agencies I worked for, this sense of
          South America for Tito’s.             In December, Tito’s brought its Tito’s   connection to the brand team as a whole is
              “Tito’s has been evolving over the   in a Can, a 16-ounce reusable steel can   stronger. I think that is going to help move
          years into the domestic brand it is, but   that is sold completely empty, to Celebrity   the needle faster in accomplishing the goal
          also the global brand it is becoming. The   Cruises. Consumers are encouraged to fill   of making this a global brand.”
          company realized it needed to build a team   the empty can with Tito’s and the mixers of

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