Page 68 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
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                                            off across multiple cruise lines include
                                            Licor 43, especially with the Carajillo
                                            cocktail and its two newest flavors, Crème
                                            Brulé, and Chocolate. Gosling’s Rum and
                                            Gosling’s Ginger Beer are also showing a
                                            strong performance, thanks to expanding
                                            listings and the ever-popular Dark &
                                            Stormy and Mule cocktails. Meanwhile,
                                            Asahi Super Dry keeps growing at an
                                            incredible pace on board the ships.”
                                                While Cruise retail is a key part of the
                                            business, Danielle Glazier, Director USA
                                            DF, says that creating immersive brand
                                            experiences onboard the ships is imperative
                                            to connecting with these cruise passengers.
                                                “A great example of this is our recent
                                            launch of an exclusive Uncle Nearest
                                            Tennessee Whiskey tasting and show
                                            aboard Royal Caribbean’s Utopia of
          MONARQ has expanded its RTD portfolio to   the Seas as part of their Royal Railway   MONARQ featured Condesa Gin at the DFS
          connect with Gen Z and Millennials.  experience. It’s about bringing brands to   store at JFK Terminal 4 last year.
                                            life in a way that truly enhances the guest
          Established Portfolio                                                Frozen Drink Program, bringing refreshing
             These new brand additions join a    High-profile activations throughout the   frozen variations of the classic Jack&Coke,
          portfolio of brands that is already booming   Americas               Jack Honey & Lemonade and Jack Apple
          throughout the Americas, Markle tells TMI.   Last year MONARQ featured   & Cranberry served in tropical settings.”
             “Our portfolio of premium brands,   its brands in high-profile successful   With its portfolio of established brands
          like the Brown-Forman portfolio, AIX   activations across the different channels   along with its new additions, MONARQ
          Rosé, Villa Sandi Prosecco, Luxardo   in the region, successfully connecting   is set up for whatever comes next, says de
          Liqueurs, Fernet Branca, and our premium   travelers and consumers with leading   Monchy.
          sake brands Heavensake and Soto, continue   spirits in engaging and memorable ways,
          to thrive across the Caribbean and Latin   says Glazier.             Bringing in top talent for future growth
          America. AIX Rosé has established itself as   At the DFS store in JFK, it showcased   “Over the past year, we’ve made
          a top choice in high-end resorts and beach   Condesa Gin with an eye-catching display,   some exciting changes, not just in where
          clubs, capturing the region’s appreciation   introducing travelers to the unique   we work, but how we work. Alongside our
          for elegant and refreshing wines. Villa   botanicals and craftsmanship of this   move to a new office space, we’ve been
          Sandi Prosecco has gained strong traction   premium Mexican Craft Gin.   focused on strengthening our team across
          in the on-trade, particularly within luxury   “In LA, we elevated Tomatin   all departments. Growing our workforce
          hospitality and fine dining, where its   Highland Single Malt with an exclusive   wasn’t just about adding numbers; it was
          crisp and vibrant profile resonates with   VIP tasting experience at the Masters of   about bringing in the right people to help
          discerning consumers. Luxardo Liqueurs,   Wines and Spirits, catering to discerning   us scale operations, increase efficiency, and
          with their rich heritage and versatility, have   whisky enthusiasts, where some very rare   create even more value for our partners.
          become a staple in craft cocktail programs,   expressions were tasted, amongst them   By expanding our team with top talent
          enhancing the region’s growing mixology   some aged single malts ranging from   across different functions, we’ve boosted
          scene. Meanwhile, our premium sake   30-year-old up to 50-year-old.”   our capabilities and improved collaboration
          selection is introducing a sophisticated new   This was followed by a successful   across the board. This means smoother
          category to emerging markets, attracting   gala where some very rare bottles of ultra-  processes, fresh perspectives, and a
          both connoisseurs and adventurous   premium single malt from the Tomatin   stronger foundation for long-term success.
          consumers seeking unique drinking   collection were available for sale.   “These strategic investments aren’t
          experiences.                          Matsui Japanese Whisky is now   just about today, they’re about ensuring
                                            available in Avolta’s Dufry stores across   we’re prepared for what is ahead for
          Cruise experience is key          Latin America, the United States and   MONARQ, ready to adapt, and positioned
             The cruise channel is a strategic   several Caribbean markets.    to keep growing. Through it all, we’re
          spearhead for MONARQ, which makes     “On Virgin Voyages, we engaged   committed to maintaining a culture that
          sure it tailors its business and product   guests with a Shot for Shot activation   values excellence, teamwork, diversity,
          selection to fit the unique needs of each   featuring Uncle Nearest Tennessee   and a forward-thinking approach to our
          cruise line.                      Whiskey, while across multiple Caribbean   industry,” concludes de Monchy.
             “Some brands that have really taken   islands, we launched the Jack Daniel’s

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