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                  He adds that the ‘What’s Your                                    – where every touchpoint is a learning
              Whisky’ is already being used with                                   opportunity, and AI is catering for
              Diageo’s retail partners in the Americas,                            customers’ idiosyncratic needs and wants at
              including at Attenza Duty Free in Panama,                            scale,” she explains.
              with Aer Rianta International at Montreal                                “In an age when brand loyalty is
              airport; Avolta at Toronto airport, and with                         dwindling, brands and retailers are creating
              border store operator UETA.                                          new opportunities for engagement,
                  Similar technology was used by                                   destinations for hyper-personalized,
              Bacardi Global Travel Retail (GTR) last                              bespoke and omniscient relationships
              October at Miami airport in partnership                              with their customers. This means offering
              with Duty Free Americas in an ambitious   Fiona Harkin, foresight director at The Future   Discovery Commerce using dynamic, real-
              Bacardi Rum Tales activation. This   Laboratory                      time personalized shopping feeds that are
              promotion sought to tempt travelers to                               incredibly accurate at deciphering what a
              trade up to more premium Bacardi-owned   international at Tito’s Handmade Vodka,   person is looking for.”
              rums such as artisanal Venezuelan rum   which recently installed an in-store digital   She argues that NFTs and virtual
              Santa Teresa 1796, Caribbean blended   screen at Honolulu airport which proved   stores shouldn’t be one-off gimmicks for
              rum Pyrat and Facundo, an ultra-premium   successful. “In this increasingly high-tech   travel retailers but opportunities to forge
              Puerto Rican rum sourced from the private   world, it’s important not to lose focus on   long-lasting relationships with customers.
              reserves of the Bacardi family.    the importance of high touch, that personal   As for spirit brands, she urges them to
                  The activation featured a digital Rum   interaction with real people.”  invest in data partners so that digital
              Selector platform which travelers could                              marketing can become personalized and
              access by scanning a QR code in-store   What will the future bring?  to put more emphasis on strengthening
              with their smartphones. They could then   Looking to the future, it’s clear the   customer loyalty. “Ensure every customer
              take an interactive quiz asking them   advent of AI is only going to increase   is a collector and every promotion is an
              questions about their interests, lifestyle   the speed of digitization within travel   opportunity for AI to leverage learnings on
              and flavor preferences to guide them to a   retail, affecting every area of the business,   core customer values.”
              recommended rum choice. Highlighting   including promotional activations. Against   Harkin’s detailed future vision
              the omnichannel nature of the campaign,   this backdrop, Fiona Harkin, foresight   is, of course, a world away from the
              travelers were also encouraged to try   director of leading international trends   simple price-off discounts and sampling
              the Rum Selector via a targeted digital   consultancy The Future Laboratory argues   opportunities of the analogue era but travel
              marketing campaign that engaged with   travel retail need not be a laggard but could   retailers of all ages need to understand
              them before they traveled.         emerge as an excellent testing ground for   that times have changed. If properly
                                                 what she labels “EQ-Commerce”.    implemented and utlilized, digital
              Don’t forget the human touch          “This is seeing innovative retailers   technologies can have a transformative
                  In the rush to embrace digitally   experiment with technology to create   effect, increasing sales, retaining customers
              driven promotions, there are downsides   intelligent, empathic commerce journeys   and building brand equity.
              and dangers, of course. Costs can be high
              and operators and their brand partners                                  Edrington Global Travel Retail partnered with
              have to be transparent about their data                              International Shoppes to open an immersive
              collection practices and protect customer                            pop-up at JFK Terminal 1 featuring the newly
              privacy, for instance. Technology should be                          launched global travel retail exclusive The
              intuitive and user-friendly, regardless of the                       Macallan Colour Collection.
              customer’s tech-savviness. It should also be                             The nearly 800 sq ft. JFK Terminal 1
              robust in the high-footfall environment of                           Macallan Pop Up Space which opened in
              airport retail.                                                      September 2023 is fully personalized to create
                  “The big downside to technology is                               a memorable encounter of The Macallan brand
              when it stops working or isn’t working                               and Colour Collection. It remained open through
              properly,” argues Young. “I have been                                the end of March 2024.
              in many stores when screens are blank                                   QR codes are featured throughout the store and
              and this clearly does not look good. Also,                           bring to life an augmented-reality experience to
              digital tools must work hand in hand with                            educate customers on the unique messages of the
              people. In my experience, it is not enough                           collection and the various whisky notes.
              to have a sophisticated touch screen in a                               The Pop Up features an interactive customer
                                                                                   engagement tool “ Discover Your Expression”
              store and expect shoppers to use it. Instore                         which assists customers to find the appropriate
              staff are needed to help guide shoppers and                          age-statement suited to their individual
              encourage them to use the technology.”                               preference.
                  Similarly, passionate and
              knowledgeable human sales staff remain   “We are committed to offering the best products and exceptional customer service to our traveling
              vital. “Digital certainly has its place, but   clientele and digital plays a pivotal role in assisting on that. We consistently partner with our vendors
              so do traditional methods of marketing,”   to explore new and exciting ways to engage customers on a journey of exploration and discovery,”
              insists John McDonnell, managing director   says Scott Halpern, International Shoppes co-CEO.

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           66

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