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          Leading false eyelash brand Ardell to enter travel retail through Premier
          Global Trading

              False eyelashes are a huge trend in                              the lashes themselves, PGT will be offering
          the beauty industry and Elizabeth Taylor’s                           Ardell lash accessories such as a lash
          Premier Global Trading is now introducing                            cleaning kit, application tools and Duo
          Ardell Professional lashes, the leading                              adhesives for multi-unit sales to increase
          lash brand in the world, to the duty free/                           basket spend at POS.
          travel retail channel around the world.                                  “The technology really has changed
          This partnership aims to expand Ardell’s                             significantly over the last couple of years,”
          global presence, making its products                                 explains Fenig. “If you look at the Nielsen
          more accessible to travelers and beauty                              or IRI market data retail numbers, there’s
          enthusiasts.                                                         been a drop in the volume of units sold, but
                TMI had the opportunity to                                     an increase in dollars sold in the category.
          speak with Taylor and Mickey Fenig,                                  This is because of the demand for the new
          Vice President of International Sales at                             technology, which is more costly. And
          American International Industries, parent                            the new lash sets are larger, so people are
          company of Ardell, during the Cosmoprof                              spending more per unit.
          Miami Beauty show in January, about why                                 “But we are still offering value. The
          the time is right for Ardell to enter the                            technology in our Seamless Underlash kit
          travel retail channel.                                               will last users for up to 10 days and it gives
              “False eye lashes are a huge trend                               you enough product to apply your lashes
          right now. Ardell is the No. 1 lash brand   Quality and innovation   five or six times. The consumer is getting
          in the world. I am confident we can build   Boasting numerous patents across its   that value and that technology all in one
          this category into an important niche within   diverse product lines, Ardell stands apart   box. This has come a long way just within
          the beauty segment in travel retail. Ardell’s   from its competitors due to its quality and   the last year, and has stretched the price
          quality and innovation have made them the   innovation, he notes.    point for a lash kit to an entirely different
          global leaders for a reason,” Taylor told   “We pride ourselves on the safety and   level,” says Fenig.
          TMI at the Ardell booth, one of the busiest   the efficacy of our adhesives, as well as   PGT and Ardell are also developing a
          stands at Cosmoprof.              the quality and the natural look and feel of   variety of display units for travel retail to
              Ardell’s parent company, America   the fibers we use. In contrast, the market is   optimize shopper appeal, engagement and
          International Industries, is a family   flooded with poor-quality lashes —many   spend. Initial plans call for two-sided floor
          owned business founded in 1970-1971   sold on Amazon, sold straight from China,   stands featuring Ardell lashes on one side
          by Zvi Ryzman. Over the past 50 years   made with unnatural-looking plastic fibers.   and the company’s Hollywood Fashion
          it has expanded through organic growth   Also adhesives that are loaded with harsh   Secrets brand on the other side, thereby
          and strategic acquisitions. Today it   chemicals that you don’t want anywhere   maximizing a small footprint and space
          encompasses over 75 different individual   near your eyes,” he says.  efficiency, while delivering strong ROIs,
          brands that include lashes, skincare and   “We’re also leading in innovation.   says Taylor.
          waxes, nail care, haircare, men’s grooming,   Ardell has developed new systems so
          and fashion solutions under the Hollywood   advanced that you cannot tell if someone   From salon to consumer
          Fashion Secrets label (fashion tapes, body   is wearing false lashes. With products like   A.I.I. got its roots in the professional
          cover-ups, etc.).                 our New Seamless Underlash Extensions,   channel initially, and maintains that quality
              “American International Industries –   designed to be undetectable, lashes go   standard today, stresses Fenig.
          A.I.I.—is a full scale manufacturer. We’ve   under your natural lashes so there are   “When I started in the company,
          got about 1,000 people in the facility in   no visible seams on the eyelids. This   almost 30 years ago, our business was
          Los Angeles, and a total of some 850,000   technology ensures a flawless, natural look,   80% professional, 20% consumer, and
          square feet in production, warehouse,   further elevating Ardell’s position in the   now that has flipped. But the Research
          marketing, sales, and graphic arts,” says   market. This is all part of our innovation,”   & Development continues to be very
          Fenig.                            Fenig adds.                        professional. We provide all our nail
              “Our biggest and best known brands                               lines and lash lines to salons, and we take
          are our Duo lash adhesive and Ardell lashes   Premiumizing pricing   that technology and bring it over into
          which dominate the market. Duo became   Ardell will focus on this innovation   the consumer side. So we bring a better
          the best known lash glue and Ardell is the   to help premiumize the appeal of false   product to market with more innovation
          best known, largest eyelash company for   eyelashes for the travel retail channel.  than your average company.
          many years. Ardell is sold in 150 countries;   “While the price points on Ardell are   “We’re really involved in the R & D
          it’s huge, it’s global, and it’s synonymous   more accessible than some other beauty   of all our products, and they have to stand
          with lashes. Ardell lashes are a staple   brands in travel retail, the quality of these   up to salon quality. That’s very much part
          in beauty retailers across the U.S. and   lashes really puts them in a premium   of who we are and what we offer,” he says.
          Europe,” says Fenig.              position,” explains Taylor. In addition to

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