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Why travel retail? everyday users to professionals, special a history and credibility. And, as an added
“The time is perfect to introduce occasion shoppers, and travelers seeking plus, PGT will offer products in Duty
Ardell in DF/TR,” says Taylor. convenience and long-lasting beauty Free/Travel Retail before they hit retail in
“First, Ardell is offering amazing new solutions, making Ardell’s travel retail domestic markets,” concludes Taylor.
innovations and technologies (I.e.: New offerings especially appealing. PGT will be attending the 2025
UnderLashes and long-wear solutions). “This business is exciting! The Summit of the Americas to discuss
Second, false eyelashes are becoming a category is exploding with new growth and opportunities for Ardell lashes in duty free
daily beauty essential, much like mascara technologies! And most important, Ardell and travel retail.
has been for decades. Additionally, is at the forefront. It is a brand name known To learn more, contact Taylor at
DIY false eyelashes are embraced with around the world. We’re bringing a brand
no boundaries— young and old, from to Duty Free that’s already established, has
IBBI adds more clean beauty to portfolio with The Somerset Toiletry
Award-winning British luxury Additionally, UK-made soaps are crafted
toiletries brand, The Somerset Toiletry with RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil,
Company, is strengthening its presence in ensuring responsible sourcing.
Latin America and the Caribbean through
a new partnership with International Iconic collections available in Latin
Brand Builders Inc. (IBBI). This strategic America
expansion aims to enhance brand visibility, Urban Café
particularly in the travel retail sector. Launching in Spring 2025, the
Urban Café collection is inspired by
A Legacy of quality and sustainability the ambiance of a coffee shop. Drawing
The Somerset Toiletry Company has from The Somerset Toiletry Company’s
been crafting high-quality, sustainably very own ‘Soap Bar Café’ in the UK, the
sourced, and cruelty-free products, for over range features fragrances such as Vanilla
26 years. Its products are now distributed Bean, Café Mocha and Caramel Latte,
in more than 50 countries worldwide. The and includes shower scrubs, body creams,
company’s in-house creative team ensures hand washes, soap bars, and luxury candles creams, soap bars, and various gift sets.
each product is beautifully packaged, packaged in reusable travel mugs. Body
reinforcing its reputation for excellence. care products are infused with real coffee The Naturally European collection
Having operated in the Latin grounds. offers a complete range of luxurious body
American beauty market for over a care and home fragrance, all made in the
decade, the company has established Aromas Artesanales De Antigua (AAA) UK. Fragrances include Ginger & Lime,
strong partnerships in key markets such as Inspired by the flora and fauna of Oak Moss & Vetiver, Milk Cotton, Freesia
Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Antigua, Guatemala, the AAA collection & Pear, Verbena, and newly added Sea
Rica, El Salvador, Chile, and Uruguay. offers luxurious bath and body products Kelp & Cedar.
Its products are available in major retail at exceptional value. Traditional floral The Tropical Fruits collection
outlets, including department stores, fragrances include Lily of the Valley, White features foaming body washes, sugar
pharmacies, drugstores, and duty free Jasmine, Rose Petal, Lavender, Orange scrubs, soap bars, and body mists.
shops. The collaboration with IBBI marks Blossom, and Hibiscus Flower. The range Signature fragrances include Coconut &
the next step forward in expanding the features hand washes, shower gels, hand Lime, Grapefruit & Orange, Strawberry &
brand’s footprint in travel retail. creams, body mists, travel collections, body Papaya, and Mango & Passion Fruit.
Commitment to ethical and sustainable The Mr. Perfect & Friends collection
practices combines humor with luxury. The range
The Somerset Toiletry Company is includes soaps, hair and body wash, and
committed to ethical production, with all various gift sets.
products being cruelty-free and vegan-
friendly (except for the Milk Cotton Looking Ahead
collection). Many items are officially With the appointment of IBBI as
registered with The Vegan Society. its new agent, The Somerset Toiletry
Sustainability is a key focus, with Company is set to strengthen its presence
packaging primarily made from recyclable in Latin America’s travel retail sector,
materials, and where plastic is used, up making its collections more accessible to
to 50% is sourced from recycled content. discerning consumers across the region.
63 March 2025 Summit of the Americas