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              Worldclassbrands highlights wellness and beauty tech at Summit

                  Lenny DiCristofano’s Chicago-based                               company website.
              travel retail agency worldclassbrands                                   Beauty Pro’s collection of hand-held,
              (which partners with UK-based Martin                                 travel-friendly beauty tools include its LED
              Lovatt of Magnify Brands) will be                                    Wand 5-in-1-anti-aging tool, a T-Bar Sonic
              showcasing several lines of best-selling                             Vibrating anti-aging devise, its Hydratest
              wellness and beauty tech products from his                           skin analysis device and its Photon LED
              multi-category portfolio at the Summit of                            Light Therapy Facial Mask.
              the Americas.
                  Focusing on brands that are                                      Wonderbalm
              innovative, disruptive, on trend, sustainable                           One of Beauty Pro’s hero products
              and affordable, beauty and wellness has                              is its Wonderbalm, an all in one multi-
              become one of worldclassbrands’ fastest                              purpose skin care balm that nourishes and
              growing categories, several of which it                              conditions the skin. The multi-use balm can
              presented in Cannes last year as well.                               be used for a multitude of skin solutions,
                  Key among these is Beauty Pro, a   Key products in the award-winning   including skin moisturizer, natural first aid
              UK brand that has sold treatment masks in   range include a biodegradable eye-warming   kit, hair mask for conditioning, lip balm,
              salons since 2010, and launched at-home   mask that soothes tired eyes and a men’s   after shave balm, hand cream and cuticle
              salon products that DiCristofano and   range called Barber Pro. In 2023, Beauty   moisturizer, makeup primer, makeup
              Lovatt began showing in 2022.     Pro launched its 100% Biodegradable   remover, eye cream, tattoo aftercare,
                  With a multi-award winning product   Sheet Masks and Packaging, a move the   hydrating skin mask, burns, cuts & scrapes.
              range that includes 100% plant-based   company sees as a huge step forward for its   The balm is 100% vegan, cruelty-free
              serums, anti-aging and nourishing eye   sustainability credentials. An ever growing   and made with all-natural ingredients, free
              and face masks, body care and a range   selection of its products are now certified   from additives, preservatives and parabens.
              of beauty tech devices, the company   as vegan by the Vegan Society, as well.  Deeply hydrating, its replenishing
              checks all the boxes for innovation and   “We’re always improving our existing   formulation is rich in vitamins and
              sustainability.                   ranges to ensure they encapsulate the   antioxidants, using Olive Oil, Shea Butter,
                  Its plant based Daily Serums range   very best formulas and are in line with   Candelilla Wax, Orange Peel Oil and
              is 100% vegan, water free and packaged   our company ethos. This includes always   Vegetable Oil to moisturize, protect and
              in recyclable and reusable materials. In   working to make sure our packaging is   promote natural glow.
              2023, BeautyPro went a step further, and   kind to the planet and our ingredients   See the full worldclassbrands portfolio
              launched 100% Biodegradable Sheet   are ethically sourced,” say co-founders   at the Summit of the Americas at booth
              Masks and Packaging.              Ibs Ansari and David Herdman on the   #601.

              Coty and Kylie Jenner debut first Kylie Jenner fragrance

                  Kylie Jenner continues to expand her   was truly unique to me in every aspect,
              beauty business into new categories with   from the scent to the bottle, and a fragrance
              the launch of her debut fragrance, Cosmic   that people have never smelled before but
              Kylie Jenner — a magnetic, skin-inspired   that feels immediately comforting and
              scent that smells “out of this world.”   delicious…,” says Kylie Jenner. “Because
              Crafted by Kylie, her first fragrance   this fragrance is so personal to me, I also
              envelops the wearer in a rich, warm and   wanted the bottle and the pack-aging to
              sweet aroma.                      reflect that so I designed the carton with my
                  Cosmic Kylie will be oncounter in   birthday embossed in roman numerals and
              TR Americas on May 15th. This ambery   the bottle was shaped to fit in the palm of
              floral fragrance opens with star jasmine and   your hand. I cannot wait to share this with
              blood orange, has a heart of golden amber   you.”
              and red peony accords, and finishes with a   This debut fragrance by Kylie Jenner
              soft dry down of vanilla musk accord and   combines her olfactive vision and unique
              cedarwood.                        aesthetic with Coty’s leading fragrance
                  Cosmic Kylie Jenner is housed in a   expertise and global reach. Cosmic Kylie
              sculptural bottle designed to resemble a   Jenner furthers the Kylie Cosmetics
              piece of art from another world and formed   brand as a global multi-channel beauty   Kylie are represented in the Caribbean
              to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand.  phenomenon.              and Mexican travel retail markets by Tairo
                  “I wanted to create something that   Kylie Jenner Cosmetics and Cosmic   International.

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