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              Ultra-luxury skincare brand Bellefontaine brings its Swiss expertise to the

                  One of the most luxurious Swiss   “We made a major investment in   purifying, men’s care, stem cell treatment
              skincare brands – Bellefontaine –has just   cutting edge Swiss laboratories. I wanted   and more.
              debuted in the Caribbean, as it rolls out   to take a holistic approach to skincare, and   All Bellefontaine products are created
              exclusively in the most prestigious spas and   combine traditional Chinese plants and   and developed by the company’s own R&D
              boutiques in the world.            the flora in Switzerland. As a result, all   department and 100% made in Switzerland.
                  Bellefontaine was created in 2006 by   our products are based on the edelweiss   The brand is available in more 35
              Peter Yip, one of the partners behind the   flower, from which we created the Edelgen   counties across Europe, Asia and the
              legendary La Prairie.              complex. This ingredient is the foundation   Middle East, where it is available through a
                  Yip, who grew up in Hong Kong   of all the Bellefontaine products.   network of exclusive deluxe beauty centers,
              surrounded by paintings of beautiful   “We take a 360 approach to anti-  clinics, SPA and exclusive perfumeries
              women by his father, the artist, Ping-Sum   aging,” said Yip. “The Bellefontaine   and department stores. The brand is doing
              Yip, has lived in Switzerland for more   research is focused on the fight against soft   particularly well in Russia and China, says
              than forty years and been involved with   inflammation & free radicals to protect the   Yip. It launched in the U.S. in spring 2020,
              the beauty industry since 1978. Since he   skin. We stimulate the skin’s defenses to   where it is found at Neiman Marcus and
              collaborated on the launch of La Prairie,   block and prevent this process.”  Bergdorf Goodman.
              Yip was responsible for establishing the   According to Yip, Bellefontaine’s   As of February, Bellefontaine has also
              luxury brand across Asia, until the partners   edelweiss flower extract is combined with   launched in travel retail in the Caribbean
              sold the brand in the early 1990s.  exclusive active ingredients and ultra-  through the Rouge stores.
                  After sale of his “first baby,” Yip   sophisticated molecules that helps to soothe   “Bellefontaine is my second baby after
              started looking for a way to create a new   and dissipate discomfort while reducing   La Prairie. I have spent my life making
              high-end skincare.                 redness, strengthening the skin barrier,   something to please all the ladies of the
                  “My goal with Bellefontaine was to   preserving its natural hydration and balance   world, to help them maintain themselves. I
              create an antidote to skin aging,” Yip tells   and offering improved protection.  am now 78 and I intend to maintain myself
              TMI’s Lois Pasternak during an exclusive   Bellefontaine’s spa-oriented product   as well. That is why I use all the products
              interview in Miami during Cosmoprof.   line offers anti-ageing, moisturizing,   on myself first.”

              Bellefontaine enjoys high-profile debut in Caribbean through Rouge

                  Luxury Swiss skincare Bellefontaine   Rouge launched Bellefontaine the   Village in early May, where Rouge is
              hit the Caribbean with an “elegant” bang,   following week in its Grand store in Grand   operating seven retail outlets.
              beginning February 15 exclusively in   Cayman, where it held two master classes   Rouge is also introducing the luxury
              the Rouge stores in St. Croix, in the U.S.   that were open to the public on February 23   brand in its newly acquired stores in
              Virgin Islands. The four day special event   and 24.                 Trinidad, according to Raymond Kattoura,
              took place at the Orange Grove Boutique    Next on the agenda, Rouge is   whose company Duty Free and Travel
              and Mansion Rouge, with a one-day   launching Bellefontaine at its Port Louis   Retail Group manages the business for
              Masterclass in each location, conducted   shops in Grenada. This launch will coincide   Rouge in the Caribbean.
              by Bellefontaine’s famed international   with the inauguration of the new Silver
              esthetician, Sophie Demaret.       Sands complex in Port Louis Maritime

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