Page 52 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 52


                                            John Bull dressed its flagship store in Nassau, The Bahamas, completely in Fenty Beauty
                                            visuals for the highly anticipated launch event.

          without the collaboration of the Kendo   the store properly, to be ready to sell,   direction was centralized under Kendo
          team and our retailers, to whom we extend   to be ready to greet influencers and VIP   Inc.’s team to maintain brand cohesion
          our heartfelt thanks.”            customers,” said Granda.           across all markets.
              Gabriela Mier y Teran, the sales   Before even planning for the launch,   “Weekly coordination calls were
          manager who came on board, explains   the team had to define their creative   essential to monitor progress and ensure
          that the Caribbean Fenty launch was   message. What is the story behind this   all visual elements met Fenty’s exacting
          meticulously planned so that all the stores   brand that the Caribbean has been waiting   standards. This collaborative approach,
          across the region would go live on October   for so eagerly? How will they translate that   combining local execution with centralized
          24.                               global message individually to each island?    creative oversight, proved crucial to
              “This was a massive undertaking,   Even materials had to be considered, since   successfully launching the brand across
          considering we launched nine stores across   not everything is available on every island.   multiple Caribbean markets,” she said.
          seven islands on the same day. The Essence
          team was fully present and actively   Incorporating local elements while   Multiple stakeholder expectations
          engaged at each location, supporting our   meeting brand expectations   Maintaining consistency of furniture,
          retail partners, managing media inquiries,   “We were juggling between making   materials and creative was only some of the
          interacting with clients, and driving retail   sure that we honor the local economies and   challenges faced in Fenty Beaty’s multi-
          sales,” she said.                 support the local vendors for this historic   country initiative.
              “The launch exceeded our      launch, but at the same time also honoring   “The primary challenge in
          expectations, it was truly spectacular!   the brand image,” noted Marie-Claire   coordinating this multi-territory launch
          Clients lined up before store openings,   Lochet, Digital and Retail Experience   was balancing multiple stakeholder
          excited to finally have access to a brand   Director at Essence Corp.   requirements while meeting our global
          that genuinely understands their needs,   “Executing the furniture and visual   launch deadline,” said Lochet. “To do so
          especially when it comes to complexion   elements across multiple Caribbean islands   we had to manage the creative expectations
          shades designed with a Caribbean   required careful planning and coordination.   of the Fenty brand while working
          perspective, considering the region’s humid   We began with a comprehensive audit of   within local production capabilities and
          climate and diverse skin tones.”  trade marketing spaces across all launch   limitations. We also had to coordinate with
                                            locations to assess possibilities and   retailers across different territories, each
          “Divide and conquer” approach     requirements. While adhering to Fenty’s   with unique requirements and infrastructure
              Brand Director Carolina Granda   brand guidelines and working within   considerations, while ensuring
          explains that the team took a “divide and   our budget parameters, we developed a   synchronized execution of our 360-degree
          conquer” approach in order to pull off the   strategic approach that balanced quality,   marketing plan across all markets to meet
          simultaneous launches.            efficiency, and local engagement.  the global launch date.
              “Everybody on the team was assigned   “Our vendor strategy was intentionally   “As the leading distributor in the
          to an island to assist each retailer prepare   hybrid. We prioritized partnering with local   Caribbean, we leveraged our deep regional
          for the launch, helping with merchandising,   vendors in each territory, both to optimize   expertise to guide the brand through the
          prepping the BAs, making sure that   costs and support regional economies.   distinct cultural nuances of each market.
          everything was seamless. We helped with   However, for specialized materials or   While maintaining the cohesive Caribbean
          media coverage and social media. We took   creative briefing unavailable locally,   identity as a whole, we were committed
          videos and interviewed customers. We   we consolidated procurement through a   to ensuring the launch respected and
          were selling on the floor. Each of us took   single supplier to ensure consistency and   represented the unique characteristics of
          on the task to be there, to be ready to talk   efficiency,” she explained.  each territory.”
          about the brand, to be ready to merchandise   Lochet points out that the creative   Success required extensive cross-
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