Page 47 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 47


              understand and experience the magic world
              of Tequila,” said Urioste. “The Agave
              shop is another concept that we are using
              to provide a unique experience to the
              travelers. It is an immersive experience that
              helps to understand the Tequila product.”
                 Urioste adds that Avolta will continue
              to create such experiential concepts, not
              limited to Tequila throughout the region.
                 “You already saw the Appleton
              experience in Jamaica,” he noted.
                 In other news in the region, Urioste
              tells TMI that Avolta has obtained its first
              F&B RFP in Conghonas airport in Brazil
              that will be opening late April.
                 “This will be a Corona Bar that will
              deliver an amazing experience,” he said.
              And debuting yet another new concept,
              Avolta has opened its first exclusive Duty
              Free Store at an FBO (private jet airport)
              in LATAM at Punta del Este Airport in
                                                       Agave World in Cancun International Airport.

              ASUR: Air traffic surges at Puerto Rico and Colombia airports, but
              declines in Mexico

                 Airport group Grupo Aeroportuario
              del Sureste, (ASUR), with operations
              in Mexico, Puerto Rico and Colombia,
              announced results for the three-and twelve-
              month periods ended December 31, 2024.
                 ASUR’s total passenger traffic in
              4Q24 decreased 0.3% YoY to 17.7 million
                 ASUR’s total passenger traffic in Full
              year 2024 increased slightly by 1.1% YoY
              to 71.32 million passengers.
                 In Mexico, total passenger traffic
              decreased 8.0% YoY to 10.1 million
              in 4Q24, reflecting a 7.5% decrease in
              international traffic and an 8.6% decrease
              in domestic traffic. For the full year,
              Mexico traffic in the nine airports managed
              by ASUR reached 41.4 million, down by
              4.7%. International traffic for the full year
              in the Mexican airports was 21.6 million,
              down by 2.6%.
                 At leading Mexican airport Cancun,   traffic in San Juan, Puerto Rico (Aerostar),   traffic increased 14.1% YoY to 4.4 million
              total traffic for 2024 reached 30.4 million,   however, increased 9.6% YoY to 3.2   passengers, driven by a 20.4% increase in
              down by 7.1%. International traffic at   million in 4Q24, reflecting growth of   international traffic and a 12.5% increase
              Cancun was 20.2 million for the full year,   28.9% in international traffic and 7.3% in   in domestic traffic in the 4Q24. For the full
              down by 3.5%.                     domestic traffic. For the full year, San Juan   year, traffic at ASUR’s Colombia airport
                 ASUR operates nine airports in   airport reports total traffic of 13.25 million,   was 16.65 million, an increase of 11.8%.
              Mexico, including the tourism gateway of   up 8.6%, with international traffic reaching   International traffic was 3.65 million, up by
              Cancun.                           1.55 million, up by 21.3%.        22.6%.
                 ASUR reports that total passenger   In Colombia (Airplan), total passenger

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