Page 44 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 44


            Avolta’s beautifully renovated 1,600-square-meter Duty Free store at Mexico City International Airport, which opened in September.

          Viva Mexico! Avolta celebrates vibrant new concepts in Mexico City and


              Even as Avolta opens new and   Cancun, debuted the new “Agave World”   impressive espresso and drink bar, boutique
          expanded concessions around the world--  concept, designed to enhance the traveler   store-in-store spaces, luxury fashion and
          from Turkey to Saudi Arabia, from Norway   experience and understanding of tequila.  more, said the company.
          to Tunisia and beyond – its operations in   Avolta officially opened its newly   The renovated space introduces
          Mexico – where the company has been   renovated 1,600 square meter duty free   a selection of new brands and hybrid
          operating for nearly 30 years -- continue   store at Mexico City International Airport    elements, all while spotlighting Mexico’s
          to take center stage in the Americas. Not   last September.          vibrant cultural heritage to deliver an
          only has Avolta completely renovated its   Offering the full range of duty   exceptional shopping experience.
          flagship duty free store in Mexico City’s   free categories in a fresh open layout,   Enrique Urioste, President and CEO
          Benito Juárez International Airport, it   the successful renovation is designed   LATAM and the Caribbean, Avolta, noted:
          also has opened new hybrid concepts in   to appeal to travelers with interactive   “This opening marks a milestone in the
          partnership with Turin inside one of its   digital experiences, an expansive luxury   airport’s commercial offerings, providing
          Hudson News store in the airport, and in   watch and jewelry space accented by an   travelers with a shopping experience

           Enrique Urioste (center), Avolta’s President and CEO LATAM and the Caribbean, was joined by government, airport and company
           officials at the official ribbon-cutting of the new store; The Flavors of Mexico area is a crowd favorite, highlighting Mexico’s vibrant
           cultural heritage.
          Summit of the Americas  March 2025                            44
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