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                             The beautiful Maison Rouge in the historic district of downtown Christiansted offers top luxury shopping.
              Pan-Caribbean retail power Rouge Duty Free adds new islands,
              new stores

                  Not only did Rouge Duty Free open   Trinidad                     at Westmall, which will cover nearly
              in Trinidad in 2023 – its 9th Caribbean   Rouge Duty Free entered into its ninth   2,000 square feet of space, and we are in
              island location – but the luxury and beauty   Caribbean country in December with its   negotiations to open in two other malls on
              retailer is about to take a giant step forward   acquisition of the Vendôme perfume stores   the island,” he tells TMI. “We expect to
              in Grenada, as it expands its charming   in Trinidad & Tobago.       open the Westmall location this summer.
              flagship in the renowned Port Louis Marina   Rouge took over two Vendôme   We are also waiting for the right space to
              into six new outlets. The Rouge stores will   stores, one each in the Trincity and Gulf   open in the airport, where we expect to be
              be the key retail element in the new Silver   City Malls, carrying high-end brands in   operating by this fall.”
              Sands complex at Port Louis Maritime   fragrance and skincare.           “With a population of some 1.5
              Village debuting in June.             Although the current stores are duty   million, we think that Trinidad has been
                  The Port Louis Marina and the   paid, Kattoura says that Rouge is entering   underserved when it comes to perfume
              undeveloped lands at Mount Cinnamon   into duty free by the end of this year, and   and beauty,” he added. “In most of our
              resort were acquired by Joyau des   has plans to open a duty free division on   locations, the Rouge stores have become
              Caraibes Ltd (JDC), owner of the 5+   the island.                    a leading retail option for the local
              -star Silversands Grenada, in 2020.   “We have since signed a contract   populations as well as tourists, and we see
              The luxury developer pledged to invest   to open a flagship store at the Falls   this happening in Trinidad as well.”
              around $350 million to develop the two
              sites, with plans including four five-star
              hotels, a spa, exclusive residential villas,
              food and beverage outlets, retail and an
              entertainment hub. The Silver Sands
              “Luxury District Fashion Boutiques” at
              Port Louis is now nearly complete.
                  “In addition to expanding our offerings
              in the beauty boutique and our liquor store,
              Rouge will now also have two outlets
              carrying handbags and sunglasses, one for
              tobacco and cigars, a clothing boutique and
              another for accessories,” explains Raymond
              Kattoura, whose company Duty Free and
              Travel Retail Group manages the business
              for Rouge in the Caribbean. “We are
              negotiating with the world’s top designers
              with shops at Miami’s Fashion District and
              St. Barth, and brands that fit in this Luxury
              Mega Yacht Marina.”                       Rouge has now added a ninth Caribbean country acquiring two stores in
                                                        Trinidad, with more to come.

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           44

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