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                  Carnival brings the fun with its beverage options across its fleet

                     All cruises are different and that
                  extends to the food and drinks packages
                  that are available onboard. Carnival
                  Cruise Line invites its guests to “Choose
                  Fun.” That is its tagline and the fun is
                  designed to run through everything that
                  happens onboard. Zachary Sulkes, AVP,
                  Beverage Operations, Carnival Cruise
                  Line tells TMI that Carnival tries to infuse
                  fun in everything it does from a beverage
                  perspective.                          Sampling some beer brewed onboard at Carnival Vista’s Red Frog Pub & Brewery
                     “The drinks, the staff, the menus:
                  it is all fun. This leads to huge volume.   fleetwide regardless if they have a Heroes   of our beverage team, ecoSPIRITS and
                  Our guests order lots of drinks including   bar onboard with $1 from every glass sold   Bacardi is a great example of thinking in
                  cocktails, beers, waters, wines, etc.,” says   going to Operation Homefront.   ways that are truly out-of-the-box, or in this
                  Sulkes.                               There are also Carnival-exclusive   case – out-of-the-bottle, to develop new
                     The drinks packages offered on   beers available in cans on every ship. While   partnerships and practices that further our
                  Carnival are unique to the cruise line.  ParchedPig West Coast IPA, ThirstyFrog   ongoing efforts,” says Sulkes.
                     “We handle drink packages much   Caribbean Wheat and ParchedPig Toasted   Bacardi was selected for the pilot
                  differently and do not rely on inclusion   Amber Ale are also available as portable   because it is among the most-ordered
                  of beverage packages to sell our cruises.   pints.                   spirits across the fleet and a staple of
                  There are no free packages per se (unless   Carnival has partnered with Lakeland,   some of the craft cocktails most popular
                  you are high level casino player). So,   Fla.-based Brew Hub to produce the beers.  with Carnival guests. The rum will be
                  therefore, the amount of guests that have                            transferred from ecoTOTE to serving
                  packages is quite low in comparison to   Close Loop Packaging to reduce single-  format using ecoSPIRITS’ SmartPour™
                  all other cruise lines. And, we only have   use glass at sea         technology. New silver and red Bacardi-
                  2 packages. One that is only for sodas   Carnival introduced a new pilot   branded SmartPours will be placed in
                  and juices (Bottomless Bubbles) and the   program that is introducing closed-loop   select bars on the three ships for beverage
                  other that is all drinks $20 and under (but   packaging to the cruise industry aboard   team members to serve cocktails featuring
                  limited to 15 alcoholic drinks in a 24 hour   Carnival Cruise Line ships in an attempt to   Bacardi Superior rum.
                  period),” says Sulkes.            reduce single-use glass.              Carnival is constantly updating the
                     Carnival offers a diversity of offers for   Through a collaboration with   beverage options available on its ships to
                  its drink menus across its ships.  Bacardi and innovative circular economy   stay relevant with its guests.
                     “The XL class of ships have over 20   technology company ecoSPIRITS, the   “We have increased our bourbon and
                  different beverage menus for guests to   pilot will determine if re-usable containers   whisky selection over the past few years
                  choose from depending on the location on   developed by ecoSPIRITS can be used to   and guests are very pleased with the offer.
                  the ship,” says Sulkes.           serve Bacardi rum on Carnival ships, in   We tried non-alcohol options at Alchemy
                                                    turn reducing single-use packaging by 95   Bar over the past year and it really didn’t
                  Brewing onboard                   percent. The concept is being tested for   go well.  It was not bad, but there were
                     Carnival Cruise Line is serving up   three months on three ships operating from   just not enough sales to justify the extra
                  a number of its own private-label beers   Miami: Carnival Celebration, Carnival   inventories. We are looking at some lo-
                  crafted by its in-house brewery team.  Horizon, and Carnival Sunrise.  alcohol options to see if the response is
                     Carnival was the first cruise line to can   “As we continue to work towards our   better,” says Sulkes.
                  and keg its own private label beers crafted   sustainability goals, the collaborative work   “Our guests still like fun, sweet drinks
                  in-house in 2019, after introducing the                              and we stick to that.”
                  onboard brewery concept on Carnival Vista                               Sulkes says the menu will definitely
                  in the Red Frog Pub & Brewery in 2016.                               evolve over the coming years.
                     Carnival Cruise Line now features                                    “Stay tuned. As we don’t have another
                  onboard breweries on six ships, says                                 new build ship coming for thee years, we
                  Sulkes.                                                              have time to review, refresh, and renew our
                     “We have a new beer brewed onboard                                offer to stay current with the guests and to
                  that is the Heroes American Pale Ale. The                            meet their expectations of FUN.”
                  hops are picked by a veterans group and
                  then we donate $1 from the sale of every                             Carnival has partnered with Bacardi
                  beer to Operation Homefront. We are now                              and ecoSPIRITS to reduce single
                                                                                       glass use at sea.
                  selling Heroes pint glasses on all ships

                                                                                   41                                         April 2024   Summit of the Americas

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