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              Seatrade Cruises’ 2024 Cruise Food & Beverage Trends Report tracks
              challenges and shows that experiential dining is on the rise

                  Ahead of the second edition of F&B@  based diets and produce, 21.92% selecting   the cruise industry,” says Chiara Giorgi,
              Sea (April 10-11, 2024), Seatrade Cruise   sustainable agriculture/ sustainably sourced   Global Brand and Event Director for
              has published its second Cruise Food and   seafood, and the same number specifying   Seatrade Cruise. “Armed with invaluable
              Beverage Trends Report. The findings from   zero-waste cooking.      insights and an informed perspective,
              the report indicate a momentum towards   Overall, cruise ship cuisine will   industry executives will find the perfect
              experiential dining and/or opportunities for   continue to be broad-ranging from Asian   ecosystem for collaborating and connecting
              passengers to connect with communities   fusion with the highest number of votes   with cruise line decision-makers at this
              visited via their gastronomy with demand   (54.79%) to Levantine with the least   year’s F&B@Sea.”
              for local cuisine, authentic cultural   amount of votes (5.48%) – and sourcing   F&B@Sea was developed in close
              food experiences and immersive dining   from remote areas will be facilitated mostly   consultation with cruise lines, food and
              predicted to gather pace in 2024 and   via the support of port agents.  beverage stakeholders, and culinary
              beyond.                               Low to no alcohol beverages    leaders with support from Cruise Lines
                  The report, which captures the views   amassed 46.58% of votes, health/wellness   International Association (CLIA), Florida-
              of cruise lines, manufacturers, distributors,   supplement drinks garnered 39.73% of   Caribbean Cruise Association (FCCA) and
              and suppliers of food/beverage, while also   votes, and low to no calorie beverages,   industry consulting leader MarkeTeam.
              representing the views of associations,   30.14%, indicating an inclination towards   More information about F&B@Sea is
              training providers and consultancies,   drinks with health and wellness in mind.  available at www.seatradecruiseevents.
              reveals challenges impacting the sector   “The return of this detailed report   com/fnbsea
              as well as several key trends influencing   provides a unique opportunity for food and   The complete 2024 Cruise F&B
              shipboard drinking and dining.     beverage suppliers to gain a glimpse into   Trends Report is available online at www.
                                                 the abundant possibilities for growth within
              Top Challenges
                  The cruise food and beverage industry
              is expected to be worth $8.9 trillion by
              2026. Some of the top challenges cited
              by survey participants are inflation/price
              increases (cited by 68.92% of respondents),
              supply chain disruption (cited by 48.65%),
              and longer lead times for restocking/orders
              (cited by 35.14% of respondents). This
              corresponds with the results of 2023’s
              Cruise F&B Trend
                  Almost a third of respondents said
              they were unable to connect with cruise
              line buyers (32.43%,) and slightly less
              said they were unsure of current food and
              beverage trends leading the way in cruise
                  Obtaining certain produce/alternatives,
              being unable to meet sustainability
              demands/new regulations, and suppliers
              going out of business were seen as less
              critical factors. Some complexities were
              associated with rejigging the food and
              beverage offer/menus and being unable to
              provide options for dietary needs.
                                                 Two examples of prominent F&B trends in cruise are the rise of Celebrity Chefs and destination
              Key Trends                         cuisine. Both are featured this month in season three of the award-winning TV series Wild Harvest.
                  Authentic cultural food experiences   The program features “survivorman” Les Stroud and Master Chef Paul Rogalski alongside Queen
              (cited by 45.21%), immersive dining   Elizabeth’s culinary team in Alaska. Shot on location in the ports of Sitka, Haines, Juneau, Icy
              (32.88%), and local culinary options   Straight Point, and Ketchikan while sailing through Hubbard Glacier, Stroud shares his wisdom
              (31.51%) are the three food trends most   of wild edibles which Chef Rogalski and Queen Elizabeth Executive Chef Roland Sargunan and
              likely to take off during the period 2024/25.   members of the Cunard culinary team use to create sophisticated gourmet dishes.
              Sustainability is also expected to be a
              key focus within the culinary space, with   Wild Harvest is broadcast globally in over 60 countries, including India and China, and on 450
              26.03% of respondents choosing plant-  American Public Television (PBS) stations in 50 states, with top-tier media company Blue Ant Media
                                                 in Canada.

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