Page 40 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
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                                                                               9.65 million arrivals in 2023.
                                                                                  Despite a few disruptions to the
                                                                               tourism sector with natural occurrences
                                                                               such as Hurricanes Milton and Oscar, the
                                                                               destination flourished. Foreign air and
                                                                               sea arrivals shattered the previous year’s
                                                                               number by 16.2% and 2019 figures by
                                                                               54.7%. Additionally, foreign air arrivals
                                                                               across the island nation exceeded 1.7
                                                                               million in line with 2023 performance but
                                                                               ahead 2019 by 3.3%.
                                                                                  While The Bahamas is a year-round
                                                                               travel destination, December 2024 was the
                                                                               best month ever in terms of arrivals with
                                                                               1.15 million visitors, posting 14% ahead of
                                                                               2023 and 62% ahead of 2019.
                                                                                  Grand Bahama Island experienced
                                                                               an 8.7% growth in air arrivals, second
          Curtain Bluff Beach, Antigua. Photo courtesy Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority:
          Watkins Media                                                        only to Abaco, with a 11.9% growth over
                                                                               2023 amounting to a solid return to pre-
                                                                               Hurricane Dorian and pre-COVID levels.
                                                                                  Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime
          Antigua and Barbuda celebrate record-  of 2019. The cruise sector also flourished.    Minister and Minister of Tourism,
          breaking visitor arrivals and announce   Increased homeporting operations led by   Investments & Aviation, expressed his
          new initiatives                   the Antigua Cruise Port and the Antigua   pleasure over these achievements. “The
              The Ministry of Tourism and the   and Barbuda Airport Authority were noted,   Bahamas has not only exceeded its targets
          Antigua and Barbuda Tourism Authority   with further expansion expected in 2025.   but remains a steadfast global leader in the
          (ABTA) are celebrating 2024 as an     CEO of the Antigua and Barbuda   tourism industry and a dominant presence
          exceptional year for tourism in Antigua and   Tourism Authority Colin C. James said,   in the Caribbean region. These record-
          Barbuda.                          “2025 promises even more with the first   breaking achievements are a powerful
              According to the latest data, Antigua   quarter of the year, bringing increased   testament to the tourism marketing
          and Barbuda welcomed over 330,281   cruise calls for Antigua and Barbuda and   strides by the Ministry of Tourism and
          stay-over visitors for the year and over   more airlift, with Frontier set to launch its   the supportive dedication of our partners
          823,955 cruise passengers, surpassing   inaugural San Juan – Antigua service on   across the destination, who, alongside
          previous records, and the 2019 pre-covid   February 15, 2025.        our passionate locals, continue to offer
          benchmark year. The United States market   For 2025, the destination will also be   unparalleled experiences throughout our
          led the growth in stayover arrivals, with   targeting foodies through a new Antigua   beautiful and culturally rich islands.”
          strong performances also from the United   and Barbuda Culinary Month in May,   The cruise industry continues to be
          Kingdom & Europe, Caribbean & LATAM,   which will see the expansion of culinary   a cornerstone of The Bahamas’ economy,
          and Canada markets.               events to include Antigua and Barbuda   generating a remarkable $654.8 million
              “Our growth in 2024 is a direct result   Restaurant Week, FAB Fest, Food Forum   in cruise tourism expenditures during
          of our efforts to strengthen connectivity,   and Eat Like A Local, in a move to make   the 2023/2024 cruise year, according to
          position Antigua and Barbuda as a regional   Antigua and Barbuda, “a new culinary   a Florida-Caribbean Cruise Association
          hub with two international airports, expand   hotspot in the Caribbean”.  (FCCA) report. When factoring in
          our hotel and accommodation offerings,   The islands will also celebrate the   employment, taxes, and levies, the total
          invest in human capital, and stay on top our   300th anniversary of Nelson’s Dockyard,   economic impact surpasses $1 billion,
          game,” said Charles Fernandez, Minister of   and host the Caribbean Hotels and Tourism   underscoring the sector’s vital contribution
          Tourism, Civil Aviation, Transportation &   Association’s (CHTA) Caribbean Travel   to the nation’s growth and prosperity.
          Investment.                       Marketplace in May, and have launched a   Additionally, the attraction of
              Antigua and Barbuda saw significant   revamped destination website.    more than $10 billion of Foreign Direct
          expansion in airlift during 2024, with                               Investments over the last two years
          increased service from American Airlines,   The Bahamas drives unprecedented   with prestigious global brands such
          Delta, and JetBlue, as well as the return   tourism growth with 11 million visitors   as Rosewood, Six Senses, Montage,
          of Condor and the introduction of Sunrise   in 2024                  Park Hyatt, Bvglari and Four Seasons
          Airways. British Airways also increased   The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism,   Residences also played a part in the
          service to the destination.       Investments & Aviation reports that the   destination’s success and brand image,
              The Antigua and Barbuda Hotels and   destination welcomed a record-breaking   especially in the luxury market, in 2024.
          Tourism Association reported increased   11.22 million international visitors in 2024,
          hotel occupancy in 2024, exceeding that   making it the best year ever, exceeding the

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