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Caribbean tourism: Resilience and investment drive sustained growth
The Caribbean, celebrated worldwide in an enviably strong tourism performance of the islands, the CTO has launched
for its diverse cultures, breathtaking in 2024. To do so, industry stakeholders Sustainable Tourism in Action quarterly
landscapes and warm hospitality, has are investing heavily in partnerships – with webinar series.
consistently demonstrated its resilience cruise lines and cruise port developers, with The first webinar in the series took
in the face of natural disasters, economic airlines, in hotels, in training programs and place on February 17 and discussed how to
shifts, and global disruptions. Recognizing marketing, as well as seriously searching reduce carbon footprints in the Caribbean.
this, the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s for the best ways to sustain the unique “Tourism is vital to the Caribbean,
(CTO) theme for 2025 is “Caribbean Caribbean tourism product. but climate change directly threatens
Resilience: Crafting Tomorrow’s Tourism.” this industry,” said Dona Regis-Prosper,
According to CTO Chairman Ian Airlift is the Caribbean’s “lifeline” Secretary-General & CEO of CTO. “We
Gooding-Edghill, Barbados’ Minister Recognizing the role that airlift plays must take action now to develop a more
of Tourism and International Transport, in the health of tourism in the region, the sustainable, resilient tourism industry if
this timely and forward-thinking theme Caribbean took center stage at Routes we expect to ensure the region’s future
underscores the region’s commitment Americas 2025 air service development prosperity. Through this webinar series, we
to embracing its strengths, addressing forum that took place in February at aim to inspire stakeholders and decision
challenges, and creating a future-ready Atlantis Paradise Island in The Bahamas. makers to join us in creating a more
tourism sector that continues to thrive in an More than 900 senior industry sustainable Caribbean.”
ever-changing global landscape. professionals attended to discuss The event builds on the Caribbean’s
As part of its 2025 vision, CTO will strengthening Caribbean air connectivity, continued advocacy for climate resilience,
host events, workshops and initiatives expanding international routes, and following discussions at the 2024 United
designed to empower stakeholders and advancing tourism growth. Nations Climate Change Conference
foster innovation across the Caribbean. (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan.
The organization is committed to ensuring Sustainability Small island developing states face
that the region remains a leader in global One of the main reasons people unique challenges, especially those related
tourism, offering unique, enriching visit the Caribbean is to enjoy its natural to climate change, and this webinar aims to
experiences to visitors while providing beauty, a condition directly challenged by equip tourism stakeholders with actionable
economic benefits to its people. the raising threat of climate change. To tools and strategies to measure, manage,
Despite growing competition from help provide its members with actionable and reduce their carbon output.
global destinations, the Caribbean turned strategies related to protecting the future
A Caribbean Round-up
U.S. Virgin Islands welcomes
unprecedented visitor numbers in 2024
The U.S. Virgin Islands Department
of Tourism reports new record-breaking
passenger arrival numbers in 2024, and
highlight the continued growth of St. Croix,
St. Thomas, and St. John as a leading
tourism destination.
In 2024, combined airline arrivals at
Cyril E. King Airport in St. Thomas and
Henry E. Rohlsen Airport in St. Croix
totaled 932,265 passengers, surpassing the
previous record set during the COVID-19
pandemic by over 100,000 passengers and
was up 16.5% compared to 2023.
The numbers culminate a year of
exponential tourism growth for the U.S.
Virgin Islands, including a record-breaking
month of arrivals in March with 106,026,
and the introduction or return of airline
routes from American Airlines, Cape Air, St Croix, USVI. Photo courtesy of Raymond Kattoura.
Delta Air Lines, Frontier, JetBlue, Spirit
Airlines, Sun Country, and United Airlines. significant boost in cruise passengers, increase compared to 2023. This growth
The Territory also experienced a welcoming 1,770,922, resulting in a 9.8% was driven by the maiden voyages of
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