Page 38 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
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arrivals. This represents a 20% increase
compared to the same period in 2023.
The increase in tourism was
particularly driven by Curaçao’s three
primary markets: The Netherlands, the
United States, and Colombia.
All three source countries have
seen increased air service from different
airline partners, who have either expanded
their connection or started a new route to
Cayman Islands hotel 2024 visitation
strong despite storm setbacks
The Cayman Islands ended 2024 on
a high note welcoming 437,842 stayover
visitors between January and December
2024 - a 2% increase over 2023’s numbers.
March 2024 saw the second highest
number of arrivals ever for the destination
The world famous Handelskade in Curacao with 57,040 stayover visitors. December
was also a standout month with 52,046
stayover visitors – the second highest
number of visitors for December in
several ships, including Scarlet Lady, Icon yachting and cruise sector; and increased recorded history and an increase of 4.3%
of the Seas, Disney Treasure, Explora I, hotel development and expansion such year over year.
Sun Princess, Explora II, Emerald Azzurra, as the new Sandals St Vincent and the Revenue generated by tourism
Celebrity Apex, and Rhapsody of the Seas. Grenadines Resort, Holiday Inn Express accommodation taxes and fees for January
The increase in cruise arrivals highlights & Suites, La Vue Hotel and Mayah’s Suite to November 2024 was approximately
the ongoing efforts of the Department of among others. KYD$ 38.5 million, an 8% increase over
Tourism and local partners to strengthen For 2025, there are plans for the same period in 2023. These revenues
and foster relationships across the industry. additional room stock underway including were bolstered by a 9% rise in the average
the Marriott Hotel breaking ground this daily rate (ADR) of hotel rooms from
St. Vincent and the Grenadines tourism year with an added 250 rooms. January to November 2024 over the same
surges with 25% YOY growth in In addition to its success in visitor period in 2023 according to STR Inc., the
stayover arrivals arrivals, the destination achieved various major hotel industry intelligence database.
The island of St. Vincent and the accolades in 2024 including the World Demand for travel to the destination
Grenadines is emerging as the destination Travel Awards’ Best Nature Destination, remained buoyant despite the challenges
to watch in the Caribbean with a record- and Bequia was listed on CNN Travel’s of an unusually active hurricane season
breaking growth rate in stay-over arrivals ‘Best Places to Travel in 2025.’ which saw the Cayman Islands impacted
for 2024, up some 25% from its 2023 by significant rainfall and other adverse
numbers. Curaçao tourism grows by 20% in 2024 weather from a tropical disturbance in June
Minister of Tourism Carlos James The Curaçao Tourist Board has and four named storms between July and
announced that stayover arrivals at the announced that the destination reached a November.
destination grew by 25.6% over 2023, milestone in 2024, welcoming 700,249 “It was gratifying to see such positive
and was up by 39% over 2019, one of the stayover arrivals, a strong 20% increase growth in our stayover visitation numbers
country’s best years prior to the global compared to 2023. The strong showing for 2024. Despite our strong results,
health pandemic. has continued into “a spectacular start of globally the tourism sector faces economic,
For the first time in the country’s the year” in 2025, with a solid 20% rise geopolitical and climate challenges. As
tourism, stayover arrivals reached over in arrivals compared to January 2024, an industry, locally we are not immune
100,000. As of December 2024 some particularly from South America, where to these global shocks. We weathered a
101,471 stay-over visitors traveled to the arrivals were up by 46% over January challenging hurricane season which saw
multi-island State. Given the relatively 2024. the closure of Owen Roberts International
early stages of the country’s tourism Curaçao’s tourism industry is driven Airport due to hurricane Beryl during
development, such high growth is expected by strategic efforts to maintain visibility in one of our busiest travel periods in July,”
to continue into the medium to long-term. key markets, said the CTB. From January said Kenneth Bryan, Deputy Premier and
Minister James attributed the to December 2024, the island welcomed Ministry of Tourism and Ports.
destination’s strong growth to a sharp 700,249 stayover arrivals, 35,499 day- The Cayman Islands’ was able to
increase in airlift, with four new carriers trippers, and 834,922 cruise passengers, rapidly restore its accommodation and
added in Q4 of 2024; a burgeoning resulting in a total of 1,570,670 tourist product post-storm. It also worked closely
Summit of the Americas March 2025 38