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The Life of a Seatrade Ambassador by Nadine Heubel
When I moved to Miami in Spring of
2016 to take over the responsibility of CEO
at Heinemann Americas, I knew very little
about the dynamics of the cruise industry.
I had had a brief professional encounter
while working at Hugo Boss when we
opened the first ever Hugo Boss boutique
at sea onboard AIDADiva in 2007. I also
knew the cruise industry as a passenger
from various cruises with my mom during
the years.
One could say that I was really a
cruise novice. But with the cruise channel
the focus of the Heinemann Americas
business, I had to learn really quickly.
I heard about Seatrade Cruise Global,
the biggest cruise event in the world, and
the following year I attended the event at
the Miami Beach Convention Center for Nadine Heubel organized the Cruise Retail Session last year. Seen here with
the first time. I recommend to everyone Dermot Davitt of The Moodie Davitt Report.
who is new to the channel to attend
Seatrade Cruise Global; the educational
aspect of it is mind-blowing. From the their retail ambassador as Seatrade was Apple Podcast.
“State of the Industry” panel at the first day acknowledging the importance of retail Last year for the first time, Seatrade
for the cruise industry and the lack of its
of the event – the CEO’s from all major organized a retail session on one of the
cruise lines are on stage together and talk presence at their signature events. I loved stages in the exhibition hall. We had a
the idea and was honored to be chosen to
about their personal outlook of the industry very interesting session moderated by
– to countless sessions focused on many help put retail on the map for Seatrade. Dermot Davitt from The Moodie Davitt
different aspects of the industry, to the An ambassador is a pro-bono role and Report where the cruise trinity – a cruise
comparable to a board advisory role.
enormous exhibition hall, Seatrade Cruise line, a retailer and a vendor - talked about
Global is the all-encompassing event of the challenges and the very positive outlook of
industry. My responsibility as an ambassador cruise retail.
When I walked the exhibition hall includes promoting the Seatrade events The Moodie Davitt Report and
for the first time I was blown away by the through my social media channels, act Seattrade have expanded their partnership
variety of the exhibitors (countries, cruise as an advisor to their senior team with and this year are hosting a full day
ports, shipyards, technology companies, every question which might come up dedicated to retail in a separate conference
etc. etc.) It was then when I realized the regarding retail, connecting them to the room. I feel very blessed that I can support
enormous economic impact this industry important players in the industry and the organizers with the curation of the
has. work on a strategy to support promoting program.
What I did not find though, was any retail on a bigger scale. The biggest highlight for me is the fact
session or any exhibitor related to retail. that I can moderate two sessions myself.
But as I was still digesting what I had The first idea we launched together One of my sessions is about HR and the
learnt during the week and as I was still was the Retail Wave Makers podcast in wonderful staff onboard ships and the other
awed by it, I honestly did not think about summer 2022. We are now already in our sessions is about sustainability. Both topics
the lack of a retail presence. third season and have released 12 episodes are very close to my heart, and I cannot
Fast forward to early 2022, after a so far. Focus of the podcast is to introduce wait to be on stage with some amazing
devastating COVID crisis for the cruise listeners to all aspects of cruise retail. We panelists.
industry, a friend of mine – Shannon talk to retail executives from the cruise So far, I have very much enjoyed my
McKee, a well-known cruise industry lines, cruise retailers and vendors. In the Seatrade Ambassador journey – but most
figure and an ambassador herself– latest season the spotlight has been on of all, I appreciate being able to provide
reached out to me to tell me about the the various positions onboard and their information that supports the cruise retail
Seatrade ambassador program. She interaction with retail. The podcast can industry gaining the attention it deserves
asked me if I was interested to be named be found on the Seatrade website and on within the broader cruise community.
37 April 2024 Summit of the Americas
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