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                  About MSC World America           requirements under the International   the strictest international IMO standards,
                     MSC World America will create an   Maritime Organization’s Energy Efficiency   including the so-called Baltic standard.
                  eye-catching silhouette against the Miami   Design Index (EEDI). The ship’s   The ship is fitted with advanced waste
                  skyline when she enters service in April   latest-generation engines will reduce   management systems to reduce, reuse, and
                  2025. The new World Class ship’s signature   greenhouse gases emissions (GHG) by up   recycle the waste generated on board.
                  plumb bow will rise vertically from   to 20 percent, along with an 85 percent   MSC Cruises has reduced the intensity
                  the waterline and her Y-shaped aft will   reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions   of its ship operations by 33.5 percent
                  open onto the impressive outdoor World   and a nearly total elimination of sulphur   since 2008, and the company will achieve
                  Esplanade. Overall, MSC World America   oxide and particulate emissions. The ship   a 40% reduction ahead of the IMO 2030
                  will contain more than 420,000 square feet   is capable of running on Bio-LNG and   target. Far beyond simply finding further
                  of public space, and offer top-of-the-line   Synthetic Renewable LNG, either of which   operational efficiencies, MSC Cruises
                  features and facilities.          would achieve greenhouse gas emissions   is embracing new technologies and
                                                    reductions of up to 100 percent.   identifying paths for switching to non-
                  Ship environmental information        Wastewater is treated to a very high   carbon and renewable fuels, while working
                     At launch, MSC World America will   quality that exceeds the standards in place   with fuel providers and other partners on
                  be one of the most energy-efficient cruise   at many shoreside municipal wastewater   using Bio-LNG and Synthetic Renewable
                  ships in the world, surpassing all design   treatment systems worldwide and meets   LNG in the near term.

                  MSC Cruises appoints Stefano Menegotto SVP of Onboard Revenues and Suzanne
                  Mahoney as Head of Retail

                     MSC Cruises has appointed Stefano
                  Menegotto as SVP of Onboard Revenues,
                  based in the Company’s headquarters in
                  Geneva, Switzerland.
                     Menegotto brings more than 25
                  years’ experience and joins MSC Cruises
                  from a 19-year tenure with Starboard
                  Cruise Services, part of LVMH Group.
                  At Starboard, he held the role of VP &
                  Managing Director for EMEA and APAC,
                  leading the retail strategy for multiple
                  cruise lines. Prior to this, he worked for
                  Luxottica Group as Country Manager in
                  Turkey, India and Belgium.               Stefano Menegotto is MSC Cruises new SVP of Onboard Revenues. Suzanne
                     MSC Cruises also announced that       Mahoney has been named new Head of Retail.
                  Brandon Briggs will be taking on a new
                  position in Fort Lauderdale next month as   in 2014 where she was Director of Buying   their stay. She remains on the Board of
                  SVP Onboard Revenue Operations for the   & Merchandising. She joins MSC Cruises   LiBi Retail.
                  U.S. – a market of strategic importance for   from LiBi Retail, a hospitality tech   MSC Group – Cruise Division Head
                  MSC Cruises.                      innovator that makes hotels shoppable for   of Retail Adrian Pittaway left the company
                     MSC Cruises has also appointed   the brands that guests experience during   last year to pursue other interests.
                  Suzanne Mahoney as Head of Retail,
                  based in Geneva reporting to Menegotto.
                  Mahoney will take on responsibility for the
                  retail offering across the fleet and the future
                  growth of the commercial retail offering.
                     Mahoney has over 30 years’
                  experience in Travel Retail having started                           Brandon Briggs will move to Fort Lauderdale
                  her career with Pernod Ricard’s World                                and become SVP Onboard Revenue Operations
                  Brands Duty Free in 1994 before joining                              in the U.S.
                  World Duty Free in 2000. Since then, she
                  has worked both with luxury brands such
                  as Lanson Champagne & The Edrington
                  Group in the US., before joining Harding+

                                                                                   35                                         April 2024   Summit of the Americas

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