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          that combines the best of technology,   more fun for travelers, while in the liquor   Dynamic digital screens and
          sense of place and luxury in one place,   area, Avolta’s personalized whisky finder   prominent promotional areas enhance the
          all achieved by putting the traveler at our   points travelers in the right direction for   overall allure, creating an immersive and
          core of our approach. This is in line with   their individual palates.  distinctive shopping experience designed
          Avolta’s Destination 2027 to create a travel   Together with the new stores and   to elevate travelers’ enjoyment and set a
          experience revolution. We share the values   brands, Urioste stresses that Avolta is also   positive tone before their journey. With
          and vision of the airport authorities and   putting a lot of effort in its staff.  more than 30 stores already in operation
          will work together with them to deliver the   “We are a people’s company and the   at Mexico City International Airport,
          best possible experience to the passengers   experience that we offer to our customers is   across duty free, duty-paid and Hudson
          of CDMX.”                         a key driver to success. Training and taking   convenience, Avolta is strengthening its
              Speaking with TMI, Urioste underlines   good care of them is in our DNA,” he said.  presence with the new opening.
          why the company is investing heavily in its   “This new walkthrough store replaces   In January, Avolta also opened the first
          Mexican operations.               the old ‘red ceiling’ stores we had in that   hybrid store in Mexico City.
              “Mexico, in general, is a country with   terminal and the combination of store,   “This amazing new concept is done
          older stores and great potential. In all of the   sense of place, brands and our staff is   with Turin inside one of our Hudson News
          airports we have long contracts that justify   delivering a great increase in our spend per   stores,” said Urioste. The hybrid is the first
          very important capex investments. This   passenger.”                 of three that will be opened in this first
          new store with the new brands, services   A crowd favorite is the “Flavors of   quarter in Mexico City. “This partnership
          and experience offered to our passengers   Mexico” section, a space dedicated to local   allows us to deliver an extraordinary sense
          will allow us to grow.”           products that invites travelers to explore a   of place that we hope will support our
              Alongside the traditional categories of   unique selection of exceptional tequilas and   vision of surprising the passengers with
          beauty, liquor, luxury items, tobacco, and   mezcals, as well as a wide range of spicy   new experiences and amazing products.”
          food, the store offers an exclusive high-  sauces, sweets, and Mexican chocolates.   Looking to Cancun, Avolta is also
          end perfume area featuring prestigious   The local signature tequila, offers a fun   striving to provide travelers with an
          and niche brands, and a fashion area with   ‘lift and learn’ educational aspect, helping   extraordinary experience with its recently
          boutique brand spaces. In the beauty area   travelers explore the flavors of their   opened “Agave World” concept.
          a virtual try-on tool makes make-up even   favorite blend.              “This amazing store will help travelers

                                                                  Upper left and right: The newly renovated
                                                                  Mexico City Duty Free store features an
                                                                  expansive luxury watch and jewelry space,
                                                                  highlighted by dynamic digital screens and
                                                                  prominent interactive promotional areas. Left:
                                                                  In January, Avolta opened the first of three
                                                                  hybrid concepts in Mexico City, in partnership
                                                                  with Turin, inside a Hudson News store.

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