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              Argentina: A Hundred Days of Milei

              Inflation slows in South America’s second largest economy, but economic outlook
              still shaky An economic overview by John Gallagher in Buenos Aires

                  At the time of writing, Javier Milei   being exchanged at around 1000 Pesos,   showed increases for the last three months
              has been President of Argentina for one   increasing to 1250 Pesos in mid-January.   compared to the same period 12 months
              hundred days. There have been quite a few   This has now fallen back to 1030 and the   ago. Perhaps tickets had been bought
              changes in the country since he took over   exchange rate gap has reduced to around   before the devaluation was announced and
              in December from the Alberto Fernandez   20% - whether this is due to successful   we may have to wait another month or
              / Cristina Fernandez Kirchner controlled   economic measures and a deliberate policy   two to see a negative effect. With inflation
              government. Milei has been trying to rush   not to print Pesos to finance deficits, no   slowing down and the exchange rates
              laws through to deregulate the economy   one is sure. But the markets seem to be   stable, analysts are saying Argentina is no
              and make life better for the citizens, but   supporting his policies so far.  longer the bargain country it was last year,
              the opposition and the trade unions are                              and overseas visitors may not be rushing to
              trying to prevent changes to the status quo.   Impact on Duty Free   spend vacation time.
              Everyone agreed that this would all take a   When the gap between the official   The Argentine government announced
              lot more than 100 days and a large amount   and grey market exchange rate falls there   last week that it has signed an open skies
              of patience from the electorate. Pessimists   is a direct effect on duty free sales in   agreement with Brazil. This is clearly
              argue that the government will need 100   Argentina. Argentine residents who took   good news for airport retail as airlines
              years to get the economy going again.  advantage of the official exchange rate   will now be allowed to operate new
                  Argentina’s economy continues   available at Argentine-based airport and   services and frequencies without seeking
              to struggle, but inflation appears to be   border stores when using local credit   permission. Argentine low-cost airlines
              slowing. The monthly figure is now down   cards are purchasing less – at the same   will clearly benefit, and aviation experts
              to12%, a huge improvement compared to   time foreign tourists also cut their spend,   say that several airlines are looking to start
              the +30% figure Milei’s team inherited.   especially those from Brazil who were   operations in Brazil.
              Single digit monthly inflation is now   paying in Pesos in notes they had acquired   Milei has confirmed that his
              expected sometime in Q2, but few analysts   in exchange houses. In a recent visit to   government intends to sell flagship airline
              are prepared to predict how the year will   Puerto Iguazu, I noticed that the long lines   Aerolineas Argentinas – but the actual sales
              end. Remarkably, the slowdown in inflation   of Brazilians to get into the duty free shops,   model has still to be decided. The company
              has been achieved at the same time as   common during most of last year, had   has historically lost money for several
              the government has reduced subsidies   virtually disappeared. There is no comment   years and the government has indicated that
              on transport, electricity, water, and other   from operators on what has happened   it will not finance a loss-making airline.
              public services.                   to sales, and we are unlikely to get any   There is talk of a workers cooperative
                  With the shadow of hyperinflation   official news until Avolta publishes its Q1   with the government suppling initial
              disappearing, Milei’s economic team is   sales figures. Suppliers, however, have   working capital. Local press reports have
              now looking at government spending,   confirmed that sales are down.   also suggested a possible sale to Eduardo
              trying to cut the fiscal deficit. Whole   At the same time, the change in the   Eurnekian; but with his company holding
              ministries have been closed and several   relative value of the dollar has also put   the concession to manage the majority
              departments merged. The government is   the brakes on cross border shopping for   of the country’s airports, this would be
              refusing to print money to fund the deficit   groceries and other household goods.   difficult to get approved through current
              or artificially stimulate growth and is   Paraguayans and Uruguayans living   anti-trust legislation.
              instead relying on a positive agricultural   close to the Argentine border made   Although trade unions have started
              performance in the first half to bring much   shopping visits a weekly occurrence. Gas   organizing strike action to protest against
              needed Dollars into the country.   prices in Argentina have also moved up   the government’s economic program, social
                  Central bank reserves have increased   significantly. But since the devaluation, the   tensions have in the main part been absent.
              since Milei took over and optimists are   relative values have changed, and shoppers   Most electors seem to be prepared to give
              saying that restrictions on USD purchases   are staying at home.     the government some time to sort things
              may be removed early in the second half of                           out. However real salaries are falling,
              the year.                          Travel still growing? Open skies ahead  and the situation may change if positive
                  When Milei took office the official   So far, the December devaluation   results are not seen in the short term. The
              value of the USD was 365 pesos. Almost   has not affected passenger numbers on   government will certainly be hoping that
              immediately, he devalued the official rate   domestic and international flights. Both   they see the green shoots of a revival
              to 800 Pesos. The grey market USD was   domestic and international traffic numbers   sooner rather than later.

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           46

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