Page 49 - 2024 Summit of the Americas_Neat
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                  Bath & Body Works opens in Iguazu with London Supply

                     London Supply has opened a new
                  Bath & Body Works shop-in-shop in its
                  flagship store in Puerto Iguazu. Company
                  commercial director Maggie Ducos told
                  TMI: “We are really pleased to open this
                  new section in our biggest store, and we
                  are incredibly grateful to Essence Corp. for
                  allowing us to highlight the Bath & Body
                  Works brands in our Puerto Iguazu store.
                  We know that our Brazilian and Argentine
                  customers love these brands, and we are
                  so pleased to offer them a full range of
                  personal care products as well as some
                  great fragrances. We are sure the full range
                  will be an enormous success.”
                     Ducos mentioned this will not be the
                  only change in Puerto Iguazu this year.   London Supply Foundation   used by the Foundation to finance London
                  “We are constantly looking at adding to   In early January, the London Supply   Supplies ongoing activities in the Primero
                  our range and giving something new to our   Foundation celebrated the 18th edition of   de Mayo district of Puerto Iguazu and other
                  shoppers. Very shortly we will be making   their annual charity golf tournament. As in   areas in Argentina and Uruguay where the
                  changes to the part of the store where   previous years the tournament was held at   company is involved.
                  we sell our extensive range of bags and   Club del Lago Golf de Punta del Este. The   María Taratuty, executive director
                  luggage. In addition, we are also planning   tournament had more than 250 participants.  of the Foundation, celebrated the spirit of
                  to make significant changes to the area   The foundation raised US$ 667,268   solidarity shown by participants, sponsors
                  where we sell domestic appliances. We   for various charities. In accordance with   and all those involved in the organization
                  hope to have everything up and running   last year’s donations 10% of the total,   of the event. “This will allow us to start
                  before the end of Q1. But we are all sure   almost $67,000, was donated to Uruguayan   2024 to continue the work we have been
                  there will be further changes as we go on in   children’s cancer charity the Pérez   carrying out and gives us a great incentive
                  the year.”                        Scremini Foundation. The balance will be   to attain all our objectives.”        JG

                  New Lima terminal to open in December

                     Airport concession manager Lima   operated by Lagardère.          & Beverage offer available in the new
                  Airport Partners has announced that   Lagardère has also played a significant   terminal. The company will directly
                  the new passenger terminal at Jorge   role in the development of the Food   manage 11 outlets in a special Food
                  Chavez International Airport will open on                            Court featuring internationally renowned
                  December 18, 2024. The new terminal will                             Peruvian chefs Mitsuharu Tsumaru and
                  allow the airport to grow capacity to just                           Jaime Pesaque.
                  under 40 million passengers.                                            In addition, Lagardère will operate a
                     Last year, 21.3 million passengers                                duty-paid store in the domestic departure
                  used the airport, an increase of 14.1% on                            area.
                  the previous year but still 10.1% below the                             Lagardère commenced operations in
                  2019 figures. LAP is forecasting that the                            Lima in January 2023 after winning the
                  airport will reach 30 million passengers in                          duty free concession with a unique profit-
                  2031.                                                                sharing agreement with LAP.
                     Juan José Salmón, CEO of LAP, said                                   With Peruvian gastronomy at the
                  that more than 80% of the 270,000sqm                                 heart of the restaurant area, LAP has also
                  terminal has been completed and they are                             confirmed that Peruvian products such as
                  on schedule to open by mid-December.                                 Alpaca and fine silver jewelry will feature
                     The airport commercial team is also                               heavily in the commercial zones.
                  putting the final changes to the commercial                             LAP is planning to close the current
                  side of the new terminal. Duty free stores,                          terminal on the evening of December 17
                  bars, restaurants and VIP lounges will take                          and begin operations in the new terminal
                  up 28,000 sqm with the center-piece being                            the following day.
                  the 4,000 sqm walk-through duty free store                                                        JG

                                                                                   49                                         April 2024   Summit of the Americas

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