Page 49 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 49
Brazil sets record for international tourism in 2024
Brazil set new records for tourism in and Uruguay, with a combined total of over period in 2023 and even surpasses the 2014
2024, positioning the country as a leading 833,412 visitors. figures when Brazil hosted the FIFA World
destination in South America, according São Paulo was the main point of entry Cup.
to comprehensive data released by the for international visitors last year with Two-thirds of international tourists to
Ministry of Tourism (MTur), Embratur, and 2,207,015 visitors, with Rio de Janeiro Brazil arrived by plane in 2024.
the Federal Police (PF). in second with 1,513,235 visitors, Paraná Brazil has ambitions to growth its
Brazil welcomed an unprecedented following with 894,536 visitors, and Rio international visitors even more over the
6,657,377 foreign tourists in 2024, marking Grande do Sul with 879,412 visitors. next few years.
a 12.6% increase from the previous year. Several Brazilian states experienced Its National Tourism Plan (PNT)
December 2024 alone saw 690,236 significant growth for foreign visitors in 2024-2027 aims to establish Brazil as
foreign visitors, an 11.1% increase 2024. Roraima had a 97% increase; Santa South America’s premier tourist destination
compared to December 2023. This figure Catarina increased 71.7%; and Bahia rose with a target to exceed 8.1 million foreign
represents the third-best December in the 52.8%. tourists annually, generating over $8.1
historical series that began in 1995. By November 2024, foreign tourists billion in revenue. For the Summer Season
Argentina was the top source market had spent $6.62 billion in Brazil, the 2024/2025 Brazil projects 7.48 million
in 2024, with almost two million visitors highest figure recorded for the first 11 international flight seats, a 19% increase
(1,953,548), followed by the United States months of any year since 1995. This from the previous year
(696,512), Chile (651,776), and Paraguay represents a 5.3% increase from the same
Azul – Gol merger to change the face of Brazilian aviation
Brazilian airlines Gol and Azul transaction will allow the resulting entity jobs and incomes. The possibility of a
announced that they have signed a to continue to grow and develop aviation Gol-Azul merger is positive to strengthen
memorandum of understanding to finalize in Brazil, through a network that serves the Brazil’s aviation.” Costa Filho has also
a merger that will create the biggest airline largest number of destinations in Brazil, commented he would be worried about the
in Brazil and one of the biggest in Latin supported by a flexible fleet and focused on viability of one or both companies if the
America. Once the merger is completed, service excellence.” merger does not go ahead.
the new airline will control more than 60% The Brazilian government is keen to A combined Gol-Azul would serve
of Brazilian aviation and overtake Latam support the merger as it understands the more than 200 destinations in Brazil and
Airlines, a product of a merger between new company will bring stability to the overseas. Both networks appear to be
Brazilian airline Tam and Lan Chile in June Brazilian aviation market. The merger complementary with Gol being stronger in
2012. process will take approximately 12 months the major cities as well as flying to several
According to airline analysts, a merger as both companies seek approval from the neighboring countries and Azul reaching
between the two airlines has been discussed Brazilian competition authorities and Gol many smaller cities throughout Brazil and
for several months and press reports successfully exits Chapter 11 bankruptcy connecting the country with France, Spain,
indicate that John Rodgerson, the CEO of reorganization in the United States. and Portugal.
Azul, had met with President Luiz Inácio Observers comment that the support from Many Latin American airlines
Lula da Silva eight months ago to discuss the Brazilian government will help the have struggled with high debt since
the merger possibility. merger avoid anti-trust concerns. However the COVID-19 pandemic, with most
According to the memorandum of current market leader LATAM is expected forced to restructure and several ending
understanding, the new airline would to fight its corner and will demand up in bankruptcy. This merger is seen
continue operating two independent brands concessions from the government. as providing a degree of stability in the
despite the new ownership arrangement. Brazilian minister for Ports and aviation sector in the biggest economy in
A spokesman for Azul said, “The Airports, Silvio Costa Filho said, “It’s Latin America.
improvements in the offer to customers a government priority to preserve the JG
and the efficiencies generated by this aviation sector and, above all, safeguard
49 March 2025 Summit of the Americas