Page 48 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 48


          Steady traffic figures for Latin American Airports

              Despite the Argentine economy     Domestic traffic at Brazil’s biggest   Civil aviation authorities in Chile also
          suffering for most of 2024, ANAC, the   airport, Sao Paulo Guarulhos, is also   reported positive traffic figures with total
          Argentine Civil Aviation Authority, report   stagnant. Total passengers for 2024 reached   passengers reaching 28.17 million last year,
          total passengers using the Argentine airport   27.86 million, up from 27.28 million the   up 13% compared to 2023.
          network increasing 0.7% to 29.34 million.  previous year. International traffic increased   Domestic passengers rose by 7.7%
              Domestic passenger numbers reached   from 14.04 million in 2023 to 15.72 million   to 16.35 million in 2024; international
          15.91 million, down 8.3% from the   for the full 12 months of 2024.  traffic reached 11.82 million, an increase
          previous year. Meanwhile, international   The figures for the country’s second   of 21.3% compared to the previous 12
          passengers totalled 13.43 million, a solid   biggest international airport, Rio de Janeiro   months.
          increase of 14.0% on 2024. Observers   Galeão, are slightly more complicated as   Lima Airport in Peru registered traffic
          cannot decide whether the increase is due   the Brazilian government redirected traffic   growth of 15.2% in 2024, setting a new
          to Argentine traveling abroad on vacation   from the city’s second airport at Santos   passenger record with about 24.5 million
          or leaving the country for good, or whether   Daumont to Galeão. As a result of the   travelers. LAP, the airport concession
          it reflects an increase in inbound tourism.   additional flights, domestic traffic increased   holder, expects to open a new passenger
          Hotel and restaurant owners report that the   126.58% from 4.33 million to 9.80 million.   terminal at the end of March.
          number of international visitors is down on   The number of international passengers               JG
          previous years but there are still no official   also grew from 3.62 million in 2023 to 4.69
          figures to support this.          million last year, an increase of 29.55%.

          Mexico to renovate Benito Juarez Airport, others, ahead of FIFA World


              In preparation for the FIFA Soccer   been denominated ‘FIFA Airports’ and the   New terminal at Guadalajara
          World Cup in 2026, which will be co-  Mexican government is striving to ensure   Mexican airport concessionaire Grupo
          hosted by USA, Canada and Mexico,   that the very best level of customer service   Aeroportuario del Pacifico (GAP) will
          the government will undertake a   will be available to visitors to Mexico for   invest 52,000 million Mexican pesos in
          major refurbishment at Benito Juarez   the big event.                new terminal buildings at Guadalajara,
          International Airport in Mexico City.   Airport CEO, Admiral Juan José   Puerto Vallarta, Tijuana, and Los Cabos
          Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum   Padilla Olmos, has said that the work will   between 2025 and 2029. The biggest single
          confirmed that the airport will invest   begin in Q2 of this year and will finish in   investment will be the construction of a
          more than 8,000 million Mexican pesos   Q2 of 2026. The work will not interrupt   brand new second terminal at Guadalajara.
          in runway improvements and renovations   normal airport operations, he says.  The new 69,000 sqm terminal will be
          in the arrivals and departures areas of   Some 45,36 million passengers used   designed by Spanish Architect Carlos
          Terminals 1 and 2, to improve the overall   Benito Juarez Airport in 2024, down   Lamela, who was responsible for Terminal
          customer experience.              from 48,42 million the previous yea. The   4 at Madrid Barjas. The new terminal and
              The funds for the project will come   decrease of 6.3% was principally due to   new runway will increase capacity by more
          from the airport management company’s   the transfer of a number of flights to Felipe   than 70% at Guadalajara.
          self-generated funds and additional federal   Angeles International Airport, which was   Passenger traffic reached 17,85 million
          investment will not be needed.    opened in March 2022 to help alleviate   in Guadalajara in 2024, an increase of
              Benito Juarez International Airport,   congestion at Benito Juarez.  0.8% over the previous year. International
          Mexico City’s major international gateway,   International passengers increased by   passengers totalled 5.91 million, up 13.5%
          and Felipe Angeles International Airport,   4.8% to 17.12 million, whereas domestic   on 2023.
          along with Toluca and Cuernavaca, have   passengers fell by 12.0% to 28.24 million.                JG

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