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                        L’Oréal International Distribution (LID) treated its Diesel brand to a major relaunch in North America, culminating
                        in a show-stopping splash in New York City’s Times Square.

              L’Oréal International Distribution: Filling in the White Space through
              partnerships, collaboration and a new approach to growth

                  Despite its rich portfolio of brands,   And in between the two axis we found all   a worldwide citizen, is to offer each and
              the L’Oréal Group realized that there were   these white spaces: the opportunity was   every person around the world the Best of
              markets around the world that were under   substantial.”             Beauty by creating the beauty of the world.
              potentialized and the company recently   The L’Oréal Group has just come   The L’Oréal Group’s purpose is to create
              added a new business unit to its structure   through several very successful years—  the beauty that moves the world.
              designed specifically to build select brands   “We bounced back into 2021 going twice   “So LID was created as a brand
              in these areas. The world’s leading beauty   the speed of the market. And in 2022,   building entrepreneur with the mission
              group has launched L’Oréal International   we had a grand slam, meaning that every   of accelerating the conquest of the white
              Distribution, familiarly known in the   single division and every single category   spaces. And the notion of brand building
              company as LID.                    beat the market,” said Grégoire.   is of key importance. We are not just
                  According to Annie Grégoire, General   L’Oréal generally credits the strength   blanketing the world with products, we’re
              Manager of LID’s North American zone,   of its portfolio for its ongoing success.  protecting their brand equity positioning,
              the concept was initiated by L’Oréal’s   The company currently has 62 active   and ensuring the brand identity,” she
              current CEO, Nicolas Hieronimus, back   beauty brands, each with a distinct brand   explains.
              in 2019, while he was still Deputy CEO in   identity, notes Grégoire.    To do this, LID has been divided
              charge of Divisions.                  “The main reason for our recent   into five zones which are complementary
                  “Hieronimus was looking at ways of   achievements -- apart from the people that   to L’Oréal’s existing geographical zones:
              accelerating the growth of the Group apart   work in the company --is our portfolio of   North America; Latin America; Europe,
              from acquisitions – even as we are very   brands, which are so complementary. We   which includes Middle East/North Africa &
              active in the acquisition world-- looking   have 62 beauty brands that are live right   Sub-Saharan Africa; North Asia and South
              at how we could generate growth from the   now, including the Group’s 36 international   Asia Pacific. Some of these include travel
              portfolio of brands that we already have,”   ones, as well as more than 87,000   retail to some extent.
              explains Grégoire. “Basically, he built   employees in 150 countries. But still, we   Accelerating growth in white space
              a chart and put all the brands we had on   have a lot of white spaces out there. So this   requires a whole new set of approaches,
              the X axis, and then placed the countries   is the reason why LID was created.   skills, and ways of working, says Grégoire.
              where we were present on the Y axis.   “And our mission as a company, as   “We at LID have an agility and speed

               Summit of the Americas  April 2024                           54

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