Page 54 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
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           Two of the Fenty Beauty Advisors from Avolta’s Bridgetown Duty Free stores in Barbados were on hand to help show products to Master Class
           attendees. Guests at the gala VIP party in Barbados also had a chance to sample Fenty Beauty products and get mini-touch ups during the evening.

          functional collaboration and robust   genuinely represented their communities   needing to travel for Fenty, to retailers
          contingency planning. The Essence team   and had established credibility with   welcoming a new generation of shoppers,
          established clear accountability frameworks   our target audience,” added Lochet.   and makeup artists feeling honored to
          and maintained flexible backup strategies   “These collaborations helped ensure our   represent a brand born in the Caribbean.
          to address potential challenges in each   message was delivered authentically   The launch was also a milestone
          market, said Lochet.              and respectfully within the local cultural   celebration in Barbados, he noted.
              “This approach allowed us to navigate   context.”                “Hosting an unforgettable launch event
          the complexities of a simultaneous    Despite the best of planning, some   with our partners, where Rihanna and the
          multi-territory launch while maintaining   challenges --  such as hurricanes and a   entire Fenty team had an incredible time,
          brand standards and meeting stakeholder   strike by dockworkers in the U.S. – delayed   solidified our success,” he said.
          expectations, all while delivering an   the import of materials to Grenada and   From a business standpoint, the Fenty
          authentic Caribbean experience.”  Trinidad, which ended up launching a little   Beauty launch also presented Essence Corp
                                            after the other seven islands.     with new opportunities. “Fenty’s impact
          Cultural sensitivity                                                 extended beyond the launch, helping us
              Lochet tells TMI that it was also   Highlights                   create opportunities across all our brands,
          critical to be sensitive to cultural nuances   But the nine-island launch did take   including identifying a strong network
          between the islands.              place and was considered an immense   of influencers now working with us to
              “Our approach to cultural sensitivity   success by everyone involved.   showcase the beauty of the region,” he
          was deeply rooted in celebrating authentic   In all, the spectacular event went   noted.
          local experiences across the Caribbean   far beyond a normal debut, including   “Meanwhile, thanks to Fenty’s
          territories. This was particularly evident   special Master Classes with Rihanna’s   constant innovation, demand for the brand
          in Barbados, where we thoughtfully   personal makeup artist Priscilla Ono and an   continues to grow, and we’ve laid out a
          incorporated iconic cultural elements into   exclusive VIP party in Barbados where the   strong plan for 2025. While 2024 was the
          our launch activities,” she said.   superstar made a surprise guest appearance.   year of launch for our first nine islands, in
              One such cultural element featured    “We had very high expectations, and   2025 we’ll expand to even more islands,
          a traditional snow cone cart at the Fenty   Fenty did not disappoint. We surpassed   and 2026 will bring further growth. This
          events, recognizing its significance as   our objectives, and all our partners did   is just the beginning, and we’re incredibly
          a beloved local delicacy in Barbadian   an exceptional job. The level of detail   grateful to have been chosen by Kendo. A
          culture.                          and creativity was truly remarkable. We   huge thank you to our partners and team for
              “This seemingly simple touch   managed to execute the best launch ever   their outstanding efforts!” said Azibi.
          resonated deeply with the local community   in the Caribbean, and we’re now on track   “Thanks to Fenty today, Essence Corp
          and added an authentic dimension to the   to making Fenty the #1 cosmetics brand   is now one of the important players in
          luxury brand experience,” said Lochet.  in the region,” noted Adel Azibi, Division   the make-up segment in the Caribbean,”
              The final launch party was also   Director at Essence Corp.      concludes Bona. “Beyond market share and
          carefully curated to honor Bajan cultural   Several key highlights stand out, said   revenue, our foremost goal as a distributor
          elements, and create a meaningful   Azibi.                           is to fulfill our mission: introducing the
          connection between the global brand and   “We were able to showcase the beauty   Caribbean to the most coveted beauty
          local heritage.                   of the Caribbean,” he said. “We made our   brands of the moment.”
              “We also prioritized partnerships   partners feel special, from customers finally
          with respected local influencers who   finding their perfect shades and no longer

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