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of movement and decision-making that I’ve other four zones because it complements signed last November.
never seen in the last 20 years that I have the local U.S. and Canadian affiliates, “It’s quite an exciting time as the
been part of the Group. This independent which are both very mature. integration of these brands within the LID
structure allows us to have smaller “Together, we all complement each portfolio has put them on an accelerated
committee decisions and to move quite other, and we work hand-in-hand with growth trajectory. And we’re seeing the
quickly. And with the zones we address affiliates to complement their product results coming through. Distribution
opportunities by region rather than from a offering,” says Grégoire. partnerships are at the heart of everything
country by country point of view,” explains The new venture is so successful that we do, but we’re emphasizing the notion of
Grégoire. it has quadrupled its business in 4 years, brand building,” says Grégoire.
with future projections that are continually “We are establishing ourselves within
North America zone targets specific revised upward, says Grégoire. “And every the Group as being the authority in terms
brands year I’ve been in this beautiful venture of managing distributor partnerships, and
The North American zone, which is we’ve been over delivering.” exports. We don’t just distribute to sell, we
based out of Miami, also covers Canada distribute to build brands. So the notion
and the Caribbean, as well as Travel Retail Re-building classic brands of partnership is quite important. When
America for some of the brands, which LID’s North American portfolio we select the partner to go to market, we
creates efficiency and agility at the same currently consists of four fragrance ensure that we have 360 degree support
time. brands: Guy Laroche, creator of L’Oréal’s from them going from traditional sales, to
“We have one team to manage all that, legendary Drakkar Noir fragrance for men, trade marketing to marketing. We do PR
whereas at the local affiliate level --which Paloma Picasso, Cacharel, and Diesel. with them, we do social media with them.
is the traditional go to market of L’Oréal -- These are handled through distribution We go 360 degrees.”
you’d have Canada, the U.S., the Caribbean partnerships. LID works with Parlux In 2023, LID expanded further by
and travel retail,” she says. Holdings in the U.S., with Prestilux in creating an online hub for direct-to-
LID’s North American portfolio is Canada, and Travel Retail is handled consumer distribution. The hub currently
currently smaller than that of most of the through Actium, a new partnership that was distributes two major skincare brands:
Biotherm, for distribution in the U.S. and
shu uemura, for distribution in the U.S. and
Canada. The online hub is being handled
by THG Ingenuity, the commerce division
of THG plc, with whom LID signed a DTC
management deal last October.
The Hut Group is the owner of the
LookFantastic website in Europe, which
is the number one pure player of beauty in
Europe, says Grégoire.
“L’Oréal International Distribution’s
mission is to build brands in the North
America zone in an agile and efficient way,
leveraging the expertise and manpower
of external partners to amplify the
acceleration of our portfolio’s brands. This
partnership with THG Ingenuity is the
perfect example of that mission coming to
life within a DTC environment as we will
be benefitting from their fully integrated
services and their personalized, consumer-
centric e-commerce expertise.”
Broadening distribution opportunities
Another advantage of the LID
mandate is that it enables the company
to take advantage of a broader range of
distribution opportunities as a way to fill
some of the empty white space.
“LID is a new business unit in the
L’Oréal Group,” says Grégoire. “It’s
complementary to the affiliates in the
region and to travel retail. We work in
close partnership with travel retail and we
are very excited about our new partnership
with Actium for our brands.”
55 April 2024 Summit of the Americas
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