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                  It’s a 10 creator Carolyn Aronson discusses Travel Retail
                  and global expansion

                     With its cult-classic product, the                                all hair types, it’s because I’ve created a
                  Miracle Leave-In, It’s a 10 hair care has                            collection around each Leave In formula,
                  grown exponentially, becoming a global                               and each one solves hair problems. So no
                  brand now sold in more than 84 countries.                            matter what color your skin is, or what
                  More than 10 million bottles of the product                          ethnicity you are, or what type of hair you
                  are sold annually and It’s a 10 products are                         have, we have a formula to work within
                  available in more than 25,000 salons and                             all cultures and all hair types. And that’s
                  15,000 professional chains like Ulta in the                          really what I focused on from the very
                  U.S.                                                                 beginning.”
                     TMI had the opportunity to speak                                     For travel retail, the company has
                  with It’s a 10 founder and CEO Carolyn                               created a travel retail assortment with travel
                  Aronson, head of one of the only female-                             size products, sets and duos in its best-
                  owned professional hair care brands in                               selling collections. The company is also
                  the world, about the brand’s venture into   It’s a 10 creator Carolyn Aronson  introducing TR gondolas.
                  travel retail and other exciting expansion
                  endeavors.                             “I’ve been a hairdresser for 38 years,   Be a 10 and Rewind
                     It’s a 10 started its venture into travel   I’ve seen products come and go. I’ve seen   Aronson expanded to makeup several
                  retail in late Spring 2023 through Katherine   the ones that last for 30 and 40 years, and   years ago with Be a 10 color cosmetics and
                  Sleipnes’ International Brand Builders Inc.   this is definitely one of those products. And   just recently launched a men’s hair color
                  (IBBI), with an expanded rollout this year.   if someone is running through an airport   line called Rewind it 10.
                     “We’re very excited about introducing   that carries it, they would say ‘Oh, look,   “My mantra is to create products for
                  hair care into travel retail; it’s long   I can grab my Leave-In, because Paris   women that are easy to use and address her
                  overdue,” Aronson tells TMI’s Lois   doesn’t have it.’”              beauty needs from head to toe. Be a 10 is
                  Pasternak.                            After being in business for 18 years,   a multi-functional easy to use makeup line
                     “It’s a very approachable brand.   It’s a 10 is now going worldwide.   that has built in applicators so you don’t
                  Much of the traveling population feel very   “We are currently in 84 countries. We   need YouTube tutorials or a million brushes
                  comfortable buying my products; it’s not   just launched Vietnam. The woman who   to create those instant ‘be a ten’ looks,”
                  too high end, it includes easy to understand   runs the distributorship tried it when she   says Aronson.
                  products that have multiple uses. People   went to college in Boston, and knew she   Each product has an innovation –
                  don’t need to travel with five different   wanted to bring it to her country,” notes   from the metallic colors of the Dazzling
                  products, they can travel with one. And   Aronson.                   eye shadows that can be layered for
                  it’s the kind of product that once you start   “This product is a good hair day in a   different intensities, to the 2-wands-in-one
                  using it, if you forget it at home, you feel   bottle. That’s the best way to describe it.   applicator of the mascara, Be a 10 is a
                  like ‘oh no, I’m going to have such a bad   And you know that when you are without   simple, easy to use multifunctional makeup
                  hair week’ because I don’t have my It’s a   your good products, you literally feel   that’s professional quality, she says.
                  10 Leave-In with me. I mean, there are not   different. Right? You want to feel just as   Rewind it 10 is a men’s hair and beard
                  many companies that have been able to   good traveling as you do at home.”  color kit, with vegan, cruelty free formulas
                  create a Golden formula within the beauty   Aronson points out how well suited   that fights greys at the roots. Aronson’s
                  world. And this is truly what I consider one   the brand is for people on vacation.  partner in the venture is rapper Fat Joe,
                  of the Golden formulas, she says.     “For those beach days when you’re   and the brand has gotten a huge boost from
                                                    in the sun – It’s a 10 protects your hair   celebrity endorsements.
                                                    because it has UV protection. We have a   Available in four different shades,
                                                    huge surfer following where their hair gets   each one sports “famous guys” on the
                                                    really trashed from the salt and the sun and   box, including football player Travis
                                                    this is one of the only products that they   Kelce; kickboxer and mixed martial artist
                                                    can continuously use and save their hair.   star Stephen Thompson; R&B singer,
                                                    So people traveling on these ‘sun and fun’   songwriter, and producer Tank; and actor/
                                                    vacations are using Leave-In to help save   singer Jencarlos Canela.
                                                    their hair.”                          “We launched Rewind It 10 in Sally
                                                        The multi-functional products are   Beauty stores at the end of December and
                                                    formulated to appeal to women from their   sold $1.5 million worth of product in three
                                                    20s to 50 and above, with tailored products   weeks. Our celebrity endorsers have an
                                                    to meet all hair needs, says Aronson.  aggregate social media posting of over 10
                                                        “One of the things that makes It’s a 10   billion people between all of them, with
                                                    different is that the products deliver instant,   more joining them every day. It is a huge
                                                    multifunctional results. When I say it’s for   success,” says Aronson.

                                                                                   59                                         April 2024   Summit of the Americas

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