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              Maggy’s gives Fenty Beauty launch the Red Carpet treatment in Aruba

                 Aruba’s iconic beauty retailer   Fenty Beauty goodie bags, available with a   highlighting the strong interest and
              Maggy’s began preparing its loyal   minimum purchase of US$75.      enthusiasm for its availability.
              customers for the Oct. 24th Fenty Beauty   While the initial in-person training   “The introduction of Fenty Beauty
              launch well in advance of the actual start.   sessions scheduled prior to the launch   has attracted new clients to our store
              Social media promotions for Fenty Beauty   were unfortunately canceled due to a   while also encouraging the return of
              began on October 1st, starting with an   hurricane, the training was able to take   a select group of customers who had
              announcement from Rihanna on the Fenty   place online. Subsequently, a second,   previously stopped visiting. The Fenty
              Beauty Instagram page, which Maggy’s   more comprehensive training session was   Beauty gondola is consistently occupied by
              then reposted.                    conducted for the entire staff, covering the   clients seeking either makeup services or
                 Preparations continued throughout the   details of each product, its benefits, and   shade matching. Additionally, the staff is
              month, culminating in several live radio   providing additional sales techniques, says   highly enthusiastic about having the brand
              interviews one-two days prior to the official   Hughes.             available, enhancing the overall customer
              in-store launch, reports Rachel Hughes, Sr.   And how did customers react?   experience,” Hughes tells TMI.
              Sales & Marketing Manager for Maggy’s.   “Customers were thrilled to see Fenty   “Fenty Beauty has been the most
                 To further build excitement, Maggy’s   Beauty finally available in Aruba. We   significant cosmetic and skincare brand
              store windows prominently displayed Fenty   received enthusiastic feedback, with many   launch for us over the past decade,” she
              Beauty stickers, making a bold statement of   expressing relief, saying, ‘Now we don’t   concluded.
              the brand’s arrival on the island.  have to go to the U.S. to get our products   The most popular products on launch
                 In addition, 17 Key Opinion Leaders   anymore.’ The store was filled to capacity,   night at Maggy’s were Gloss Bomb
              (KOLs) were gifted Fenty Beauty bags   reflecting the high level of excitement and   Universal and Heat, Diamond Bomb,
              containing a selection of Fenty Beauty and   demand,” noted Hughes.   Pro Filt’r Soft Matte foundation and the
              Fenty Skin products. Many of these KOLs   Fenty Beauty sales at Maggy’s have   Killwatt Freestyle Highlighter.  Since
              actively promoted the brand and the launch   shown a steady and consistent increase   the launch, the most popular items now
              event to their followers across their social   since the launch, reflecting the growing   include the Gloss Bomb Universal, Gloss
              media platforms. They were also invited to   demand for the brand. The staff have   Bomb Heat, Fenty Icon Velvet, Soft Matte
              attend an exclusive online masterclass led   received frequent inquiries from customers   Luminous Foundation, Pro Filt’r Soft Matte
              by Priscilla Ono, the Global Makeup Artist   regarding the potential expansion of   Foundation, and the Hydrating Concealer.
              for Fenty Beauty.                 the brand to Maggy’s other location,
                 During the official launch, clients were
              treated to mini flash makeovers, which
              further enhanced their experience with
              the brand. The event featured a DJ, a red
              carpet, a photo-op area, and a bar serving
              prosecco, along with luxury hors d’oeuvres.
              Maggy’s also hosted a raffle offering six

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