Page 64 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
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Bacardi GTR rolls out Patrón Cristalino throughout Americas Travel
Bacardi Global Travel Retail has been
rolling-out its latest innovation, Patrón
Cristalino, at several key airports across
the Americas, with Cancun International
Airport as the flagship location.
Patrón Cristalino is also featured at the
region’s key airport hubs, including Miami,
Los Angeles, New York, Mexico City,
Panama and Bogota.
At Cancun International Airport an
extensive omnichannel campaign includes
prominent OOH advertising sites inside
and outside the terminal building. Within
the departures lounge, Patrón Cristalino is
spotlighted at Experiencia Patrón Cancun,
a permanent sampling and gift bar located
adjacent to the Avolta store.
Geoff Biggs, Regional Director
Americas, Bacardi Global Travel Retail Patrón Cristalino is spotlighted at Experiencia Patrón Cancun, a permanent sampling and gift
remarks, “Tequila and Agave are two of the bar located adjacent to the Avolta store at Cancun International Airport.
most vibrant and exhilarating categories,
delivering remarkable growth potential in
travel retail across the Americas and the “Located center-stage in the tequila that is made by filtering Patrón
Cristalino sub category is fast-emerging departures lounge the Experiencia Patrón Añejo through wood charcoal. It is then
as a popular consumer choice and game- Cancun bar is right outside the Avolta store aged in oak barrels for over 12 months
changer. We are therefore delighted to driving footfall, while creating a perfect and has notes of vanilla, caramel and oak.
introduce our latest innovation, Patrón showcase for Patrón Cristalino within The tequila is crafted from the finest 100%
Cristalino, at key regional locations, the larger Patrón portfolio of premium Weber Blue Agave, hand-harvested and
including Cancun Airport, where we are and super-premium tequila options. From traditionally roasted in small brick ovens.
investing to maximize the opportunity day one, Patrón Cristalino has performed In the last two years, Patrón has also
with the predominant American traveler exceptionally well and we have great created two significant prestige tequila
base with an interactive experience to optimism in its potential to drive category releases; Patrón El Cielo and Patrón El
enhance the brand’s Mexican heritage and growth.” Alto. Both are performing strongly across
craftsmanship. Patrón Cristalino is a clear, smooth the Americas with performance boosted
by recognition from the brand’s extensive
domestic marketing profile in the U.S., says
the company.
Patrón featured extensive omnichannel
campaigns both inside and outside the terminal
building at Cancun International Airport.
Summit of the Americas March 2025 64