Page 65 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
P. 65
Bottega brings Bottega Gold Diamond and the Prosecco Premium
Vintage Collection to Summit of the Americas
Bottega will present Bottega Gold periods (up to 12 months, where Prosecco
Diamond and the other releases of the normally reaches around 1 month), to
Prosecco Premium Vintage Collection at obtain wines with different organoleptic
the IAADFS Summit of the Americas. expressions depending on the individual
The Italian winery and distillery vintages and the different crus.
will be introducing its new premium Bottega Gold Diamond is the last
Prosecco line, “Prosecco Premium Vintage release in the Prosecco Premium Vintage
Collection,” which is characterized by Collection. The Collection is a project
unique features that it says raises the to enhance Prosecco that Bottega began
quality of this sparkling wine. developing more than ten years ago with
These characteristics include: selection the aim of producing sparkling wines of the
of individual vineyards in the most suitable highest quality by extending fermentation
parcels among the Unesco Heritage Hills; time, and creating wines with a more
Glera grapes cultivated under the banner complex character and good longevity.
of sustainability and harvested only by Bottega Gold Diamond is a Prosecco
hand at the moment of perfect ripeness; Doc Extra Brut, vintage 2022, that
pre-fermentation cryomaceration, to fully originates from grapes coming from a
safeguard the organoleptic charge of the single vineyard and is produced with
grapes; maturation in new ‘horizontal’ the exclusive Bottega method with long
autoclaves, the result of the most fermentation (minimum 9 months) in
advanced technological research applied horizontal autoclaves.
to qualitative oenology; long fermentation
Henkell Freixenet targets growth for extensive sparkling wine portfolio in
Henkell Freixenet will be showcasing wines and spirits at this year’s Summit of with our development this year in the
its extensive portfolio of cava, sparkling the Americas. Americas,” states Olive Ramon, Head
wine, prosecco, crémant and champagne The world’s leading supplier of of Sales Global Travel Retail at Henkell
brands as well as its attractive range of sparkling wine, Henkell Freixenet is Freixenet.
targeting growth across The company sees even more
the Americas region after opportunities in 2025 to develop and target
managing well through the growth, especially in the Latin American
challenging year 2024 with region where GTR is a key strategic focus.
its portfolio of sparkling Henkell Freixenet will be showcasing
wine, wine and spirits brands new product innovations taking advantage
in GTR, says the company. of and shaping the trends around Prosecco,
“Our diversified premiumization, Crémant, low- & no-
portfolio of sparkling wine, alcohol as well as the Aperitivo moments in
wine and spirits products, Miami (stand 705).
including the worldwide The company’s focus in 2025 will be
leading sparkling wine and to further consolidate its global icon brands
cava brand Freixenet and the in the U.S. in the duty free market.
world’s best-selling Prosecco Recently Henkell Freixenet was
Mionetto, gives us the able to gain new SKU listings in some of
opportunity to react flexibly the major airport locations that support
to trends, mitigate effects its growth in the region, especially in
and preserve and generate the trending category Crémant with its
growth to our business Crémant Gratien Meyer Cuvee Flamme
partners. We are satisfied brut and rosé.
65 March 2025 Summit of the Americas