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Rihanna brings “Fenty Beauty” home to Barbados with Avolta
Avolta-owned Bridgetown Duty Free offered customers shade matchings for special when the superstar showed up in
in Barbados was one of the two major the Fenty foundation, and also sampled person!
Caribbean retailers to host the special the Fenty fragrance. During the actual “The Fenty Beauty launch was
Master Class with Rihanna’s personal launch, Bridgetown celebrated with a phenomenal. It cannot be compared to any
make-up artist, Priscilla Ono, but the full retailtainment program, enhanced by other launch we have ever done because it
launch in the superstar’s hometown went mixologists and a Spin the Wheel game, was the most comprehensive ever taken,”
far beyond that. and especially highlighted by a “meet and said Kay Richards, Brand Manager – Duty
The event was held in two locations— greet” with Fenty Global makeup Artist Free Caribbean Ltd., at Bridgetown Duty
on Broad Street and in Sunset Mall— and Priscilla Ono. Free.
in addition to fully decking out the store Barbados was also the location for two “The launch was highly anticipated
windows and interiors with graphics, Master Artistry Classes conducted by Ono, and customers were extremely excited,
banners, posters, digital screens, back walls which were attended by 150 each at the and sales since the launch have continued
and gondolas, it featured nearly 300 square historic Crane Hotel on Nov. 6th. Attendees extremely well.”
feet of space dedicated to the brand within came from across the Caribbean, and Bridgetown reports that the most
the stores. were actively engaged in the interactive popular Fenty Beauty products at launch
Avolta also gifted 65 social media program. were MVP Velvet Icon Lipstick, Gloss
personalities and influencers with Fenty The highlight, of course, was the Bomb, Diamond Bomb, Invisamatte and
products, most of whom posted videos as VIP Party held for 300 invited guests at Hella Thicc Mascara. Since the launch the
they unboxed the goodies. QP Bistro Restaurant, one of Rihanna’s Fenty skincare products have increased in
In-store, Bridgetown Duty Free favorite on the island, made even more popularity, especially the body butters.
59 Front celebrates local appeal of Fenty Beauty in Bermuda
The launch in Bermuda took place at matchings in-store on Oct. 25 & 26, customers and a wider range of customers
59 Front for three days beginning on Oct. according to store manager Jane Astles. into the store – from 10 to 85, she notes.
24, 2024. All BAs and management had undergone The launch has had the biggest local appeal
To celebrate the Fenty Beauty launch online trainings prior to the launch. across all demographics.
in Bermuda, 59 Front dressed the store The results? “The Fenty Beauty launch The most popular Fenty Beauty
and the entrance porch in large foliage, generated huge excitement and brand buy- products during the launch period at
and installed experiential stations, branded in locally. We had a large turnout for the 59 Front were Lip Luminizers, Trace’d
photo walls and a photo station. launch, with queus along the street and were Out lip liner, Fenty Skin Fat Water,
The launch party was a gala event very busy for the full duration of the launch. Diamond Bomb, Hella Thicc Mascara, and
with local entertainers and influencers, And sales remained strong through the end Invisamette. Since the launch, the store has
including a DJ, an MC and raffle prizes. of the year,” said Astles. seen additional growth in foundations and
59 Front also conducted shade Fenty Beauty has brought new concealers and continued shade matching.
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