Page 71 - IAADFS World Summit 2025 Special Issue_Neat
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               Left: Aperol took over the airport control tower at Punta del Este International Airport with a 13-meter-tall, branded display.
               Right: ‘The Living Room’ is a premium Aperol-enhanced space at Punta del Este’s private airport where travelers can enjoy freshly prepared Aperol Spritz
               cocktails pre-flight.

                 Featuring a multi touchpoints   GTR, Aeropuertos Argentina, Aeropuertos   an interactive ‘liquid to lips’ tasting bar
              approach, the campaign spans both the   Uruguay and Avolta, we have presented   helmed by trained brand ambassadors and
              commercial and private airport spaces,   a campaign that redefines the travel   a “Good Vibes Only” photo opportunity
              integrating media placements, immersive   experience for today’s most demanding   installation. Travelers can also take home
              branded pop ups, and exclusive pre- and   travelers. The activation has been a   branded wristbands.
              post-flight experiences. From visuals on   milestone in how we entertain passengers,   Meanwhile, at Punta del Este’s private
              the airport’s control tower to the ‘Living   taking over four airports, two in Buenos   airport, ‘The Living Room’ Lounge offers
              Room’ Lounge and in-store spaces, Aperol   Aires, Montevideo and Punta del Este,   a premium experience where travelers
              surrounds travelers with its iconic and   covering the entire passenger journey from   can enjoy freshly prepared Aperol Spritz
              vibrant orange hue.               the moment they leave their country of   cocktails while waiting for their next flight.
                 Biancamaria Sansone, Marketing &   origin until they arrive at their destination.
              CCM (Channel & Customer Marketing)   It is a great example of how strategic   An Immersive Aperol Experience in the
              Director of Global Travel Retail at Campari   alliances can transform airport spaces   gateway to South America
              Group, commented: “This takeover   into attractive and multidimensional   Travelers purchasing two bottles of
              marks a significant step forward in   environments that truly connect with   Aperol during the activation at Punta del
              expanding our presence in South America,   travelers.”              Este International Airport will receive a
              to create meaningful connections and                                voucher for a complimentary Aperol Spritz,
              enriching cultural experiences. Through   Immersive Experiences at Punta del Este   redeemable at select on-premise venues.
              dynamic, multi-sensory activations, we   International Airport      Each purchase also includes an exclusive
              invite travelers to engage with Aperol   Pre-flight digital amplification,   location-themed tote bag, providing a sense
              meaningfully. From bold presence via   powered by Avolta’s touchpoints –   of place and a memento that extends the
              media placements to seamless integration   including newsletters, Click & Collect   Aperol experience beyond the journey.
              of digital and physical touchpoints, every   services, and in-airport push notifications   The Aperol Holiday Kit, available
              element of this campaign is designed to   – initiates the traveler experience at Punta   via in-store iPad, enhances the travel
              inspire joy and foster a connection with   del Este.                experience with curated tips on the best
              Aperol in particular during the summer   Upon arrival, Aperol’s presence is   bars, sunset spots, and events across
              season.”                          unmissable, starting with a 13-meter-tall,   LATAM destinations. This interactive
                 Marcelo Rodriguez, Commercial   branded display on the airport’s control   digital tool not only engages passengers in-
              & Marketing Director at Avolta, added:   tower.                     store but also drives traffic to key holiday
              “Through this first-of-its-kind activation   At the commercial terminal, a pop-  destinations, creating a seamless synergy
              in collaboration with Campari Group   up store brings the campaign to life with   between travel retail and local experiences.

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