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Imperial Brands to showcase key strategic plans for the region at 2025
Summit of the Americas
Imperial Brands is set to return to the American brands such as Backwoods and
2025 Summit of the Americas in Miami, USA Gold, alongside global favorites like
where it will highlight its robust cross- L&B.
category and consumer-centric brand The Summit of the Americas also
offerings. serves as an important platform for
Recognizing the Americas as a Imperial Brands to engage with key
pivotal market within the global travel partners and stakeholders, both new and
retail tobacco sector, Imperial Brands will established in the region.
present its portfolio featuring both global Julia Neumaier, Imperial Brands
market leaders brands such as Davidoff Regional Manager, commented: “The
cigarettes as well as popular regional demands of traveling consumers continue
brands. to evolve, and we at Imperial embrace Julia Neumaier, Imperial Brands Regional
Imperial Brands’ customer-centric evolution. We are delighted to return to the Manager
approach focuses on creating tailored Summit of the Americas at such an exciting
tobacco offerings for every market. The time as it moves to Miami for 2025. This
company says it takes pride in its diverse event remains an essential platform for us Booth 507 at the IAADFS Summit of the
portfolio, designed to meet the needs to connect with partners and stakeholders Americas.
of traveling consumers across different in one of the travel retail tobacco sector’s
regions. At the Summit of the Americas, core markets.”
Imperial Brands will highlight popular Visit the Imperial Brands team at
81 March 2025 Summit of the Americas