Page 72 - IAADFS Summit of the Americas 2024 Special Edition
P. 72


          The right partner in Promo            This February, Sazerac Company   exciting addition to the DISC portfolio,
              From the beginning in January   Inc. and DISC announced a distribution   says Gentile.
          2021, Disc has partnered with Promo   partnership for select Caribbean domestic   “It offers a delightful fusion of
          International, which has the infrastructure   markets. Last September, Ian Macleod   rich chocolate and smooth whiskey,
          and history in the Caribbean that has   Distillers (IMD) appointed DISC as its   creating a decadent flavor experience.
          allowed DISC to succeed, says Gentile.   exclusive distribution partner for Americas   One of the trends we’ve observed in the
              “Partnering with Promo International   Travel Retail.            spirits industry is the growing popularity
          and particularly with Sergio Sanchez,   “From the outset, DISC been   of flavored whiskies, especially those
          Promo’s owner, has been crucial to the   committed to building a robust portfolio   designed for crafting cocktails. Ballotin
          growth and success of DISC since day   of premium brands. The recent   Chocolate Whiskey taps into this trend,
          one. I feel incredibly fortunate to have met   announcements regarding partnerships with   offering versatility and creativity for both
          Sergio, who brings a wealth of business   Ian Macleod and Sazerac mark exciting   professional mixologists and consumers
          experience and entrepreneurial mindset.   milestones in our journey adding to our   alike,” he says.
          His extensive experience in navigating the   strong portfolio including Edrington,   “Additionally, we’re expanding our
          Caribbean markets for over 30 years has   Amber Beverage Group, Brockmans,   presence of Ballotin in most Caribbean
          been invaluable to help us strike the perfect   Bottega, amongst others,” he says.  domestic markets, offering consumers
          balance between the long-term brand-  “With the addition of Ian Macleod’s   the opportunity to enjoy this exceptional
          building goals and the short-term business   esteemed brands, such as Edinburgh gin,   whiskey beyond the confines of the cruise
          delivery objectives,” he says.     Glengoyne and Tamdhu, we’ve further   ship during their Caribbean voyages.”
              “One of the critical contributions   strengthened our presence in the gin and   Gentile is thrilled about what comes
          from Promo has been their supply chain   Scotch whisky categories in the Duty Free   next for DISC.
          solutions and strong back-office team. This   channel, offering our customers high-  “Together with our partners, we
          infrastructure has been instrumental in   quality brands that are successful in DF   look forward to shaping the future of the
          ensuring the efficiency and reliability of our   Europe.             spirits and wine industry in Travel Retail
          logistics operations, so important to supply   “Similarly, joining forces with Sazerac   and Caribbean, delivering exceptional
          a complex region.”                 for Caribbean domestic, has expanded our   experiences to consumers, and building
                                             portfolio offering in categories we were not   lasting success. DISC has a deep gratitude
          A growing premium portfolio        playing to include iconic American brands   to our partners for entrusting us with their
              DISC has announced a number of   like Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare, Fireball   brands and to our customers for partnering
          critical premium portfolio additions over   and Mr Boston, catering to the diverse   with us, and here’s to many more years
          the past year that Gentile has begun to   preferences of our consumers.”  of fruitful collaboration and shared
          introduce to the market.              Ballotin Chocolate Whiskey is another   achievements.”

          Mast Jägermeister launches Teremana Tequila and Gin Sul into GTR

              Mast Jägermeister SE has announced                               “We are the exclusive distribution partner
          two additions to its global travel retail                            across all markets for Teremana and Gin
          portfolio, Teremana Tequila and Gin Sul.                             Sul and bring global sales, marketing
              Teremana, with its full range of three                           and logistics expertise to drive their
          expressions, Blanco, Reposado and Añejo,                             continued success and growth. Teremana
          will be available at selected international                          is a vibrant and dynamic brand and we
                  airport stores globally, and is                              are really excited about working closely
                   also launching into selected                                with Dwayne, our founder. Gin Sul is
                   domestic markets throughout                                 a small boutique brand at a very early
                   2024.                                                       stage of maturity and we look forward to
                         Gin Sul, the super-  Algarve lemons, will be available in   developing its potential in travel retail.
                      premium gin presented   selected travel retail stores globally.  “We are delighted to introduce
                       in its signature white    Teremana is a premium, hand-crafted,   consumers in airports around the world to
                       clay bottle, was Mast   small-batch tequila made in the Jalisco   Teremana and Gin Sul. We are especially
                       Jägermeister’s first   Highlands of Mexico. Founded by Dwayne   thrilled to showcase Teremana to a
                       strategic partnership with   ‘The Rock’ Johnson, Teremana has had   diverse, global consumer audience in key
                       another spirit’s brand.   unprecedented success as the fastest   international airports. We have exciting
                       Currently available in   premium spirits brand to reach 1 million 9L   plans in place to establish the footprint of
                       17 domestic markets,   cases in annual sales in the U.S. since its   both brands and look forward to bringing
                       Gin Sul, a dry gin with   launch in 2020.               them to fruition in the coming months and
                      roots in Portugal, crafted   Mast Jägermeister Vice-President   years in collaboration with our travel retail
                      in Hamburg with fresh   Global Travel Retail, Tobias Witte says:   operator partners.”

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