Page 90 - IAADFS Summit 2023 Special Edition
P. 90


          DFS partners with Hennessy to unveil collaboration with designer Kim Jones

              DFS Group (DFS) has unveiled the   HNY LOW by Kim Jones, a light cognac-  Hennessy bottles used to be carefully
          Hennessy X.O x Kim Jones collection at   colored sneaker crafted from nubuck   encased in delicate tissue paper to protect
          its 11th annual DFS Masters of Wines and   leather.                  its content during transportation.
          Spirits, held in T Galleria by DFS, Macau,   “I wanted it to be elevated and chic, to   With only 200 pieces available
          City of Dreams on March 17, 2023. DFW   reflect both the long heritage of cognac and   worldwide, five Masterpiece Decanters will
          has also been named the exclusive offline   my own design values,” says the designer,   be on display at T Galleria by DFS retail
          travel retailer to sell the Hennessy X.O.   who also transposed the curves of the   outlets in Macau.
          Kim Jones sneakers.               Hennessy X.O bottle onto the sneaker. “I   Available to DFS customers in North
              Hennessy’s three-piece collection –   wanted it to feel like you’re almost looking   America and Macau, the Hennessy X.O
          positioned as a bold marriage of cognac   into the bottle. It’s a glass of cognac in   x Kim Jones collection comes complete
          and couture – is a first of its kind across   sneaker form.”         with a carafe encased in aluminum that
          categories, and demonstrates the impact    The sneakers will be on display in   highlights the iconic curves and fluid
          both powerhouses have had in the world of   Macau and DFS Los Angeles Airport’s   beauty found within a Hennessy bottle.
          design, luxury and culture.       store entrance.                    This landmark representation of legacy is
              Interweaving the richness of Hennessy   The Masterpiece Decanter is a   also available for purchase separately.
          X.O’s 150-year heritage with British   sculptural piece that features a gradient   The campaign will be rolled out
          Artistic Director Kim Jones’ creative   blend of cognac shades and pairs 3D   across the DFS travel retail network with
          vision, the collaboration features a   printing technology with hand crafting. It   an activation at La Samaritaine and at
          collectible sneaker, a masterpiece decanter   comes with a specially developed titanium   the travel retailer’s cognac meets couture
          and limited-edition bottle.       casing that acts as a second skin – evoking   boutique installations across North America
               Taking inspiration from the early   the same effect draping has to couture,   and at T Galleria by DFS, Macau, City of
          basketball shoe, Kim Jones has created the   while simultaneously mirroring the way   Dreams.

          Irish Whiskey sales soar in U.S.

               The Distilled Spirits Council of the   “The remarkable growth of Irish   Irish Whiskey grew 1,053% and 2,769%,
          United States (DISCUS) and the Irish   whiskey in the U.S. is a testament to the   respectively.
          Whiskey Association (IWA) report that   quality and craftsmanship of our distillers,”   Lavelle also points out that 300,000
          American consumers’ interest in super   says William Lavelle, Director of the IWA.   used whiskey barrels from Kentucky and
          premium Irish whiskey is at an all-time high.  “As the largest and most valuable market   Tennessee were purchased and reused in
               According to DISCUS, American   for Irish whiskey, we are proud to continue   Ireland in 2022 for Irish Whiskey.
          consumers purchased more than 6.1 million   our rich history of supplying America   “As consumers continue to trade up to
          9-liter cases of Irish whiskey in 2022,   with this iconic spirit. It’s exciting to see   more premium products, Irish whiskey is
          which generated $1.4 billion in revenues   consumers embrace the premium-and-  perfectly positioned to offer them a special
          for distillers and contributed significantly   above expressions of Irish whiskey, and we   experience – on St. Patrick’s Day and
          to the record-breaking growth of the U.S.   look forward to further growth in the years   beyond,” says Chris Swonger, President
          spirits industry. Last year marked the first   ahead.”               and CEO of DISCUS. “In just two decades,
          time that U.S. spirits supplier revenues   The Irish Whiskey category has   we’ve seen the high-end premium and
          surpassed beer. Irish whiskey played a key   benefited from drinkers’ desire to “trade   super premium segments of Irish whiskey
          role in this achievement with its emergence   up” from Premium to High-End and   grow a staggering 1,053% and 2,769%,
          as the fourth fastest-growing spirit in both   Super-Premium products. Since 2003,   respectively. It’s truly an exciting time for
          revenue and volume in the U.S.    High-End Premium and Super Premium   spirits hailing from the Emerald Isle.”

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