Page 89 - IAADFS Summit 2023 Special Edition
P. 89


              Andy Consuegra: Southern Glazer’s sale “important evolution”
              for WEBB Banks

                 Travel Markets Insider had the                                   entrepreneurial culture.”
              opportunity to speak with WEBB Banks                                    Consuegra says that the time was right
              CEO Andy Consuegra about what the new                               for the next evolution for his company.
              arrangement between WEBB Banks and                                      “The merger between WEBB
              Southern Glazer’s means for the companies                           and Banks in 2016 was a pivotal and
              and the market.                                                     monumentally important milestone in the
                 Consuegra tells TMI that the                                     evolution of our company, and in much
              partnership is a great fit and offers seamless                      the same way, this acquisition is similar.
              synergies between the two organizations.                            We wouldn’t have achieved this level
                 “WEBB Banks has experienced                                      of success if WEBB and Banks hadn’t
              tremendous growth over the past several                             merged, and I think we’ll be saying the
              years thanks to our employees’ dedication,                          same thing a couple of years from now
              strong strategic partnerships with supplier                         about Southern Glazer’s,” says Consuegra
              partners, and in-depth knowledge of the                                 “I would also like to acknowledge
              region and the travel retail sector,” says                          Robert Bowman, who ran and owned
              Consuegra.                           Andy Consuegra, WEBB Banks CEO  Banks Channel with whom we merged
                 “By becoming part of Southern                                    6 years ago, for his partnership and
              Glazer’s, we can access additional   intimate knowledge of those markets. And   leadership. We wouldn’t be in the position
              resources, industry insights, best practices   that extends to travel retail, military, and   we are in today if it weren’t for Robert and
              and more modern technology systems, all   the cruise channel as well, our people are   the successful merger that created WEBB
              necessary for us to continue to improve   the best in the business.”  Banks.”
              service to our growing base of suppliers   Consuegra says the new organization   This is the next step for WEBB Banks.
              and customers. Truly, we have found a   will benefit both Southern Glazer’s and   “This is an exciting time for us, and
              great partner in Southern Glazer’s, who   WEBB Banks.               it marks an important evolution to our
              like us are a family-owned company that   “This is a positive for everyone, for   capabilities and the service we provide
              takes pride in a strong company culture and   our company and employees and theirs,   to our customers and supplier partners,
              diverse workforce, and shares our values   and for our customers and suppliers, and   and improved focus we’ll have on our
              and commitment to building world-class   theirs outside the Unites States, specifically   suppliers’ brands, thanks to the support
              wine and spirits brands. I see nothing but   in the Caribbean and Central America as   and the resources that Southern Glazer’s
              tremendous success on the horizon.”  well as Duty Free.”            provides. Our team stays in place, Jose,
                 Consuegra says no other company    WEBB Banks’ culture complements   myself, Kam and everyone on our great
              has the strong customer relationships that   what Southern Glazer’s has built over the   team. Curran Zin Welch will continue
              WEBB Banks has built up over the years in   past several years in their Travel Sales &   heading up our Travel Retail team on
              the Caribbean.                    Export division, which will now fold into   the WB side. We are all committed to
                 “We not only operate in the region,   WEBB Banks, says Consuegra.   staying on and continuing this journey.
              but we have also experienced and talented   “And not only do we bring a great,   We are looking forward to leveraging this
              teams on the ground who live and work   diverse team with strong international   partnership and further accelerating growth
              in our key islands and countries who have   expertise, we also bring a very   of our supplier partners’ brands.”

                                                                                  About WEBB Banks:
              IWSR: Americas TR spirits volumes to reach 2019                         Miami-based WEBB Banks is the
              levels by 2024                                                      top regional domestic distributor of wines
                                                                                  and spirits in the Atlantic Basin, as well
                                                                                  as the military channel and travel retail in
                 Volumes in travel retail Americas   highlighting the strength of the U.S.   the Americas, and is the leading beverage
              are forecast to reach 2019 levels by 2024,   market. Categories with a traditionally high   alcohol supplier among core wholesalers.
              while value is expected to recover sooner,   market share have recovered faster after the   Focused particularly on the traveling
              according to data from IWSR Drinks   pandemic - whisky and brandies are now   consumer, the company specializes in high
              Market Analysis. IWSR forecasts show the   believed to be close to pre-pandemic levels   tourist markets, the cruise channel, and key
              volume of the travel retail market in the   in TR Americas,” says Jairo Lopez Suarez,   resorts and hotels, with a portfolio of iconic
              Americas to grow at a compound annual   Global Travel Retail Manager, IWSR.  brands that includes Tito’s Handmade
              growth rate of +12% between 2022 and   “Agave-based spirits – mainly due to   Vodka, Jägermeister, Disaronno, Skrewball,
              2026.                             their popularity among US nationals – is   Whistle Pig, Ghost Tequila, Robert
                 “Around 50% of TR Americas     now believed to have overtaken rum, at   Mondavi, Stags’ Leap, Caymus, Penfolds,
              volumes in 2021 were sold in the U.S.,   least in value terms.”     and Rodney Strong Vineyards.

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