Page 682 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 682

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                                                                                                            Borne  out  of  Imperial  College  in

                                                                                                            London, the SteelCell® was the inven-

                                                                                                            tion of lithium battery and fuel cell pio-

                                                                                                            neer, Professor Brian Steele.  The team

                                                                                                            at Ceres has been perfecting this

                                                                                                            unique technology for nearly 20 years,

                                                                                                            establishing a global leadership posi-

                                                                                                            tion in fuel cells and electrochemistry


                                                                                                            Phil Caldwell, our current chief execu-

                                                                                                            tive, joined the Company in 2013 and

                                                                                                            has been instrumental in positioning

                                                                                                            Ceres as an asset-light licensing busi-

                                                                                                            ness. In recent years, Ceres has estab-

                                                                                                            lished partnerships with significant

                                                                                                            global  engineering  and  technology

                                                                                                            players, such as Bosch in Germany,

                                                                                                            Weichai in China and Doosan in South

                                                                                                            Korea,  meeting  the  urgency for  low

                                                                                                            carbon power systems in industry,

                                                                                                            data centres, transportation and every-

                                                                                                            day living.
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