Page 973 - B2B All Year Round Vol.8
P. 973
To create future value company 3S KOREA 3S
Management Philosophy KOREA
3S KOREA Management Philosophy
인재와 기술을 바탕으로
최고의 품질과 서비스를 창출한다.
On the basis of talent and technology
To create the best quality and service.
Core Management
Purpose Policy
핵심목표 경영방침
인재경영, 가치창출, 표준화, 전문화,
규범준수 단순화
Talent Management, Value Creation, Standardization, Specialzation,
Norm Observance Simplification
3S KOREA는 가상 인공 환경을 구현하여 환경시험장비를 시험할 수 있게
만들어주는 환경시험장비 제작 및 첨단소재 분야인 반도체 웨이퍼캐리어
와 반도체 원재료인 석영모재사업 전문회사 입니다.
3S is specialization in the production of environmental test equipment that makes
it possible to test environment by realizing virtual artificial environment and quartz
base material business which is a raw material of semiconductor as well as semi-
conductor wafer carrier which is a high-tech material field.