Page 27 - harambee572020
P. 27
Economic Justice
America is coming to a common conclusion-
there is an inequality of income, wealth and
access to opportunity drawn along racial
lines, is one of the key social issues of our
time. If left unresolved is expected to present
a serious threat to America, our economy
and our democracy.
At Harambee Ujima we work collectively
together have taken responsibility to change
what is fundamentally wrong. We are
working together engaging local
Government and Businesses leaders. To
expanding the definition of what's possible
with forging a new urban practices right here
in River City of Pittsburgh. Evolving, the
Arts as a social economic regenerator to
tackle social economic inequitable
The Black Arts Festival is preparing The
Black Diaspora to compete in today's
globalized world, to meet human needs of
citizens by redirecting existing resources
away from broken systems towards what
works. Identifying and co-designing on the
most significant and promising trends, and
methods. Use the arts movement approach
employing our social/economic well-being,
to increase social change scale, to impact
poverty and crime.
HRA (Homewood Renaissance Association) Homewood Bar Association
Harambee Ujima Black Art and Culture Association
Consortium of the Diversity FOOTprint Project of the Thomas Merton Center