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             Jazz Workshop, Inc.      Dr. Jacqueline Young, Executive Director
                                                                  Fortune, on June 18th at the Carnegie Library in
             The Jazz Workshop, Inc. (JWI) is a non-profit        Homewood.
             501(c)(3) organization founded by the late Harold    During every Wednesday throughout the months of
             Young, Sr.  JWI is a music education and             June and July, JWI hosts the summer concert series
             performance based organization, which was            "Jazz on the Steps." This year opened with the
             inducted  in 1 973. It began as a means of           Kevin Howard band. The next act was the Stemtec
             mentoring Black youth  after the forced integration   band. The rest of the Wednesday  lineup was:  the
             of the two musicians' unions locals (471 and 60),    Flow Band on June 15th, Carl and Floyd King,
             due to the Civil Rights Act of                               June 22nd, Kenny Blake, June 29th,
             1964. Mr. Young found that the                               Artistree, July 13th, Bashir Ansari, will be
             merger  did not benefit the Black                            on July 20th, and Tony Janflone, Jr.  July
             youth because it lost its focus                              27th.
             toward providing them with proper
             music education.  Therefore, he                              Dr. Jaki Young has become the new
             began teaching young people from                             Executive Director of the Jazz Workshop,
             the Carnegie Library in                                      Inc.  She is dedicated to carrying on the
             Homewood, and the rest is history.                           legacy of that which was started by her
             The JWI  has been teaching brass,                            father Harold. It is important that children
             saxophone, bass, piano, drums and                            are given the opportunity to take music
             vocals. Some of the first teachers                           lessons because it enhances their lives in
             were Ducky Kemp, Abdul Karmin                                so many ways, one of which is
             and Kenny Fisher. They helped to    Harold Young, Sr. Founder  encouraging their sense of self-esteem.
             lay down the foundation and  to                              Children socialize around music and  feel
             pass on the tradition of America's classical music   that it is "cool." So, taking music lessons is not
             genre known as Jazz.                                 only a fun activity, it is also a productive activity.
                                                                  We are working with the Pittsburgh School system
             Since its inception, thousands of individuals have   in terms of going into the schools and doing
             benefitted from either private lessons and/or        workshops and assemblies.  Many young people
             participation in the big band. Practically every     have never even seen nor heard live music.
             musician in the city of Pittsburgh,  and many
             national musicians have at one time or another       The Jazz Workshop, Inc. accepts tax-deductable
             either taken lessons or performed at one of JWI's    contributions. Please visit our website at
             functions.                                  and click on the donate
                                                                  button.  We look forward to several more decades
             Some of the Jazz greats who have participated at     of fulfilling the music needs of the   community
             JWI are Stanley Turrentine, Sonny Stitt, Joe         and the development of youth by enhancing their
             Henderson, George Benson, and more recently          creativity.
             Sean Jones.  Last year, to celebrate 42 years of
             excellence, JWI held its first annual Trilogy,
             featuring Al Dowe and Etta Cox, the Women's' Jazz
             Orchestra, with the late Donna Davis, and the Jazz
             Workshop Big Band opening for the Variety band.
             This year's Trilogy featured the great trumpeter, Jon
             Faddis,  saxophonist, Richie Cole, bassist
             Christopher Dean Sullivan, drummer Roger
             Humphries and Howard Alexander on piano. The
             2nd concert rocked the house with the sounds of
             Noel Quintana and his Latin Crew. The 3rd guest
             appearance is going to be multi-reed player, Sonny
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