Page 32 - harambee572020
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Diversity FOOTprint
written by George Hogan Founder of Diversity FOOTprint.
Harambee Ujima Black Art and Culture Coming to the Black Arts Festival today? Please!
Association (Harambee Ujima) in 2012 formed a Participate. Take a minute or two and look around.
consortium with Diversity FOOTprint; to open a Right now you are in the center of us renewing
gateway forging new social/economic practices. life's system of things. Choosing to come here, you
have taken leadership in showing the world what a
Diversity FOOTprint believes a key role is to be healthy community looks like.
played by the nonprofit arts and culture industry to
strengthen our nation's economy. Harambee Ujima The consortium thanks all of you for this friendship
engages the Black Arts Festival as a major and for your provisional investments giving to
social/economic development for the Three Rivers Harambee Ujima with open arms like families due:
Bioregion of Pennsylvania, starting with the 15208 our neighbors, well-wishers, volunteers,
Homewood districts 9 of Pittsburgh. Acting as a government, business and financial supporters with
recreational and entrepreneurial resource, the Black special thanks to The Pittsburgh Foundation, we
Arts Festival role as part of the business sector, thank all of you in the ways you connect as leaders
opens traditions of art in trade to Breathe Life Into to advance the use of arts to strengthen our nation's
The Community. social economic economy.
Over the past three years the consortium has taken All of your generosity of money, time and sweat-
responsibility to uncover and power African- equity has moved the view of The Black Arts
American social economic foot-print. Using the Festival beyond being a celebration, but an
arts as an economic generator; Diversity innovation where profit becomes socially
FOOTprint and Harambee Ujima together has built responsible. Forging new social economic practices
organizational capacity to solve profit's lag-in- right here in the Three River City of Pittsburgh.
equity, renewing life's system of things by
continuing The Black Arts Festival legacy; serving Lastly, be conscious together, we are serving
to promote social and economic sustainability of collectively working and taking responsibilities to
America by uplifting the region's Black Diaspora. provides free-trade benefits at the neighborhood
level supporting minority participation for entry
To continue the movement Harambee Ujima is into the global economy beyond the integration of
calling on all artists; asking the artist to create jobs; powering the African American population's
works based NOT on the old question of what is own authority of Blackness in the market; creating
beauty, but on the 21st century question: "What is returns where children can grow-up protected in an
Wellness?" Take time to visit the Art Gallery. environment that is also attractive to do business.
Today at the festival, be aware you are witnessing Harambee! Harambee! Harambee!
the Black Arts Movement in the region promoting
economic justice. We are bringing income to
neighborhoods, shaping our social capital to correct
Businesses social responsible short-comings.
Today, it is all of our diversity working together
that has placed you right in the mist of our region
promoting the progress of human-kind wellbeing.