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                                    33THE KNIGHTSBRIDGE PARTNERSHIPSteve Medway CEODear Neighbour,I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the unwavering support from the Knightsbridge Association. Your ideas, insight and support have been invaluable to shaping the work we do, particularly the once in a generation opportunity we have to work together to transform Knightsbridge through our Place and Public Realm Strategy. 2024 has been a rewarding year for the Knightsbridge Partnership and we are pleased to share a short summary of the year in view. KNIGHTSBRIDGE PLACE andPUBLIC REALM STRATEGYThe Knightsbridge Partnership, which represents over 200 local businesses, is developing an ambitious public realm strategy for the Knightsbridge area in collaboration with the Knightsbridge Association, the local community and stakeholders. The Knightsbridge Association chairman sits on the Partnership%u2019s board.Until the creation of the Knightsbridge Partnership in 2021, responsibility for the Knightsbridge area, particularly its roads and public spaces, was fragmented across the three highway authorities consisting of Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Westminster City Council and Transport for London. This resulted in a neglected and unsafe public realm and no single organisation was able to coordinate much-needed changes, inevitably resulting in the area%u2019s decline. Steve MedwayKnightsbridge thoroughfare future%u00a9 The Knightsridge PartnershipBrompton Road future%u00a9 The Knightsridge PartnershipConsequently, Knightsbridge has been losing ground to other luxury destinations globally and only a third of respondents in a survey felt Knightsbridge is improving as a place to live or visit. The public realm proposals for Knightsbridge will deliver a number of improvements including: %u2013 improve 13 existing pedestrian crossings to straightahead, rather than two-stage staggered crossings, introduce two new pedestrian crossings, provide 5000 square metres of new footways, introduce 2000 square metres of new planting %u00a9 The Knightsridge Partnership
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