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35KNIGHTSBRIDGE NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM Simon BirkettThe Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Forum (the Forum) has had a busy year commenting on significant planning and licensing applications, seeking to strengthen the Knightsbridge Neighbourhood Plan (KNP) by responding to major planning consultations and publishing two large documents. Our focus is strategic.On 28 September 2024, the Forum published its %u2018Fiveyear review%u2019 on the impact of the KNP on the Council%u2019s decisions on about 150 planning applications in our area since the plan was %u2018made%u2019 (i.e. adopted) on 11 December 2018. It shows that the Plan%u2019s policies have successfully influenced planning outcomes in Knightsbridge (whether supporting planning permissions or refusals). This has been the case particularly with %u2018significant%u2019 planning applications where the Forum has focused its resources. Importantly, the report made more than a dozen recommendations for the Council, Forums and others about using the KNP (and other neighbourhood plans), supporting effective decisions and enforcement and the application of plan policies. The review has received very positive feedback and aims to promote and improve the impact of neighbourhood planning across Westminster, London and more widely. Earlier in the year, the Forum published an updated Knightsbridge Evidence Base Document, which supports the KNP, on 9 February 2024. These are both available on our website.Our immediate next priority is to make progress on the use of the neighbourhood portion of the Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL). We hope to submit an application early in 2025 for the restoration of several heritage lamps on posts along Kensington Road and progress others for public CCTV and to encourage biodiversity in Knightsbridge. Please consider becoming a member if you live, work or study in LONDON FORUM Peter Eversden MBE, who has chaired the Forum with dedication for over 20 years, has announced his retirement from the Chair and confirmed that he will continue to be actively involved with planning issues. His contribution over the years has been invaluable. The new chairman will be Michael Jubb who is a member of the Executive Committee.The Forum, of which the Knightsbridge Association is a member, represents the views and interests of over 100 amenity and civic societies in London and their members on issues that are important for people who live and work in London. Its main focus is on Planning, Development Management, Heritage, Transport, Environment, Waterways and Open Spaces. It does invaluable work attending meetings and consultations held by the Mayor of London, Transport for London, other London-wide bodies, and departments and agencies of national government; responding to the Mayor%u2019s policies and decisions; liaising with London Councils and taking part in Examinations in Public of Amendments to the Draft London Plan and a whole host of other issues.